Clandestine on X: Unfortunately, most cannot differentiate between what the anonymous poster known as Q said, and what really dumb followers of Q said.

My sentiments exactly. Looking at you Simon Parkes and Charlie Ward….
Simon Parkes is the absolute worst. Nothing but made up bullshit.
Clif High debunked "medbeds" only yesterday.
Yes but NESARA/GESARA…. /s
Well I for one feel med beds may be real and based upon a lot of digging I do not find the idea of them preposterous. When we find out what advances have been hidden from us we are going to be extremely pissed.
Name keks out
Ha! Stealing.
I sometimes listen to Mel K. She does have some interesting guests, from time to time. However, she also used to have Charlie Ward as a regular guest, but he has AFAIK not been on for years. It would seem like she has distanced herself from him.
Clandestine is such a tool, I remember not too long ago, maybe a couple of years ago, this guy was shitting on Q on Twitter. Now everyone loves him, geeze.
No they don't and it obvious he likes to herald his thoughts as if they carry weight on their own as we all do. This stuff isn't when hard now. Most of us should be saltier than we act.
Many will see exactly what they want to see, be it in the stories of the MSM or in the postings of the Cladestines of the virtuspace..... It is perhaps the greatest weakness of humanity as it has led us down some very dark paths. But to give up hope is to accept defeat. I will not lose to the likes of the Bidens, Clintons and Podestas of this world for I cannot believe that is what God wants.
And Benjamin Fulford.
I think people will be a tad embarrassed one day about how they blew off Benjamin Fulford. So many assumptions are made...about so many people. A human weakness.
His posts are interesting but he comes across as a crook. Unkempt, shifty, always repeating what we want to hear. I just don't believe the leaders of all the intelligence agencies and secret societies of the world take time out of their day to keep him up to date for a weekly blog post that you too can read for the low price of $19.99 a month. It's all quite ridiculous, just like Charlie "I spoke to Q" Ward.