An interesting topic of conversation came up over Thanksgiving. My sister is pretty savvy on what's going down. She's aware of the Cabal. She's hip on Q (or at least mostly aware of the Q story). I don't think she is fully aware of everything, but far more than most.
But she also is not a fan of Trump. She recognizes that most of what is said about him is a lie, but she just doesn't like him. She thinks he's a blowhard and overly divisive. I agree with her, but I've explained to her (albeit briefly) why I think both of those qualities are intentional. However, she doesn't care. She does however love RFK, Jr. She said she would vote for him in a heartbeat no matter what party flag he waves.
I thought about it, and I think RFK, Jr. could very likely be a unifying force, not to mention that there is both a sense of justice and closure to the effort of Q if he became President.
What do you think? What if RFK is the democrat nominee, or even an independent. Would you vote for him over Trump? Even if not, even if you think such a statement is sacrilegious, do you think he would be good for the country? Do you think he would be a unifying force? Do you think him as President would bring honest debate to the table on the "hot topics?" Do you think he would be able to put an end to the propaganda driven division (not by himself of course, but rather, as part of the Q plan)?
Of course, I don't know what The Plan is, and I don't think anything can change the course, but there are layers upon layers to The Plan, and there is nothing better than a surprise ending, especially one that feels like Justice. Who knows. Maybe RFK, Jr. IS The Plan.
What do you think of him as President for 2024?
While I agree wholeheartedly that my argument as presented was somewhat light on "showing the evidence," I did make statements that are easily looked up by yourself to see if they have merit. In several cases I provided links, or told you exactly what to look for that corroborated the statements.
You on the other hand are demanding Absolute Proof Beyond A Reasonable Doubt That Would Stand Up In Any Court Of Law And Convince Any Jury Of Twelve.
That's not how these things can possibly work. When we investigate anyone, we are looking for connections. We have limited capacity to find information. Most of the investigation into the Cabal is exactly these types of links. The reason they are these types of links is because there is a pattern of behavior in those that we do have better information on. When we see those exact same patterns, and those exact same connections elsewhere, it is completely reasonable to think that perhaps the ultimate conclusions made about the ones we know well, can be at least considered as meaningful evidence about others where we find the exact same behavior.
The list I provided is the easy stuff. You can look for yourself to see if the claims have merit. You refuse, that's OK, but then you can't say anything about whether the claims have merit. You can only complain that I haven't done a book length investigation for you, and published it in a format that you would be willing to read. That is not to say that isn't a legitimate complaint, but that is all that you can say, and indeed, that is the only counter argument you have provided so far that has merit.
However, as for what a "deal with the devil" looks like in the corporate world, I have indeed written a book length investigation and published it in a format that at least some have been willing to read. It's not about Trump, but if you read it, it will show that it is impossible to "screw over the banks," and that quite simply, not one single person on this planet can "make it" as big as Trump has done without being indebted to those who control the entire corporate world.
It is on you to look at my argument for those statements. You can then look for yourself why the list I have provided is indeed evidence of similar behavior by Trump.
Think about the venue we are discussing, and what it is you are requiring. We here spend a great deal of time and effort looking for exactly these connections. We do so, because we understand the larger context of events. We have a pretty good idea who the real enemy is, and what signals they have that indicate them as likely "Cabal agents." Those signals look an awful lot like the list I provided regarding Trump. They look that way because those are important signals in the context of the Cabal. Are they "evidence beyond a reasonable doubt?" Well, not for me, but they are among the exact same signals, the repeated patterns and connections, as those who we believe are Cabal. You are well aware of that, yet you categorize them as "not important" in this case, and then demand, in a venue where it is impossible to provide sufficient evidence, all the evidence that would convince anyone, even a True Believer.
It's ludicrous. Concede that the evidence is damning, where by "damning" I mean, "exactly those signals we are looking for in others to indicate potential Cabal indebtedness." Most important imo is his success in the business world. That is impossible to achieve without being indebted to the PTB. If you read my report, which I offered as evidence several times in my response, you will understand why I suggest it is impossible.
Then perhaps you will see why the people that I called out as being those that bailed Trump out, and ran his company for him, prove, beyond a reasonable doubt, that there is some level of indebtedness there. More, the very act of bailing Trump out would never happen, according to the evidence presented in my report, unless he had "made a deal with the devil."
They had him by the short hairs. They got him out of it. They would NOT have done that without a quid pro quo. Period. Perhaps the reason he was in the trouble he was in in the first place was because they had set him up to be, and through no fault of his own. That is entirely possible, as that has happened on numerous occasions (as shown in my report). Contrivances designed to ensure someone's failure unless they make that deal are how the world is controlled. It is a system of economic manipulation, thus financial coercion, that ensures that everyone who "makes it," makes it through an indebtedness to the Cabal.
This indebtedness, "The Deal," inevitably includes being forced to perform certain "less than appropriate" acts that compromise you, so they can film it and have dirt on you. The person making The Deal knows full well that they are being filmed for this compromise. My research suggests many do these abominable acts not because they want to, but because it is the only path to success in a completely controlled world. It is simply, "how the world is." This system of forced compromise has been going on for a very long time. During WWI for example, I think Allister Crowley played the role of "blackmail agent," setting people up for compromise. In the era in which we are talking, Epstein played that role, often being the one to set up, film, and store the evidence of those compromising acts (on his MIT servers). The Lolita Express was his vehicle (literally and figuratively) for those efforts.. It was his "film studio."
Not everyone who is compromised in that manner goes to "The Island." That is only for those that like it. There is evidence that the initial act of compromise however, is handled more simply; often on short jaunts on the Lolita Express.
I provided evidence in the form of a direct link to a period report on the topic. I wanted something similar. You are here suggesting that I am asking for more than I provided. No, I was asking for something equivalent.
But of course if you don't actually read the evidence I provide then you can't understand that I have indeed provided it and may then come to the false conclusion you have come to above.
I hate to engage with rhetorics and nebulous arguments. So let me cut through the chase.
The crux of your argument is "I have proved that the Cabal owns the world in my report, and hence anything that anyone has gained has to be because they were compromised by the Cabal"
While I don't need a "report" to show me what I already know, the fact that it is indeed possible to defeat the enemy, in their own game and that is exactly what this Plan has always been is the very crux of Q and Great Awakening.
This is where we both differ, and this is a fundamental difference because we are both True Believers.
I am a True Believer of - "It is indeed possible to defeat the enemy who owns the whole world, at their own game."
You, are the True Believer of - "The enemy owns the whole world, and no one can ever do anything about it"
Incorrect. I have shown HOW the Cabal owns the world. The specific methods they employ. The structure of the system. FROM THERE, looking at Trump's past, those exact same systems and methods and people are everywhere apparent.
There is a pattern, legally, corporately, in connections and actions. There are systems that determine those patterns. Trump follows the exact same pattern, and has all the same exact people around him, as friends, colleagues, business partners, people that give him loans, people he does deals with, people he calls friends, people his daughter is banging, etc., throughout his entire adult life.
My argument has nothing to do with nebulous arguments. But you CAN'T KNOW THAT, if you don't actually read my argument. Instead you assume it mustn't be true, or that the argument can't actually show what I suggest.
If you don't listen to what someone has to say, then go about spewing such nonsense as "their argument was nebulous," or they "made vague claims without evidence," you are nothing but a dishonest person, attempting to discredit someone purely to justify your beliefs.
Nothing could be further from the truth. I think Trump was an insider not because it is "impossible to beat the Cabal", on the contrary, I think it is absolutely possible, but not without "playing their game". You MUST be an insider to take down that structure. I think Trump is (or was) Cabal because I know the details of the system that was in place when he was doing what needed to happen to make it in that world. Because I know how the system works, how it was constructed, etc. I know what he would have had to do to "make it." There would be certain pieces of evidence, certain actions, certain connections. Trump checks all the boxes and more besides. He wasn't just "compromised," he was deep in it.
Perhaps he was "part of a plan" for decades. It's certainly not impossible. Perhaps he did "what he needed to do," like a secret agent, who does compromising things for "The Greater Good." Who the hell knows. BUT THE EVIDENCE STRONGLY SUPPORTS him having done some pretty bad things. And you can't see that, if you don't see how the system actually works, which is what my report is about. Not a "nebulous claim" on a single page, paragraph, or sentence in the entire thing.
Still waiting to see this.
You CAN'T SEE IT unless you understand how the system works. Until you read my report, you can't see the evidence. It is too easy to dismiss. You must understand the pattern, to see any new example of the pattern. You must understand how the system is constructed such that a person becomes compromised to see that the exact same circumstances surround Trump's events.
I tried to show you in the Bond issue, but you couldn't see it. You simply do not understand how that is exactly how these "deals with the devil" progress until you see how often those exact circumstances happen, how they progress, how Trump checks every box.