If God willed it thus, it may be their job, but not consciously. In this case they are just unwitting pawns of God, just like all Cabal puppets are, of WHs.
Ultimately, all secret religions have their origin in sun worship. Osiris/Isis/Horus in Egypt, Mithras in Persia etc. In the West, Egyptian priests were primarily the people who guarded these secrets, and passed it along. Those who were initiated into these secrets call themselves illuminated or enlightened.
This secret religion is referred to as Mysteries and each civilisation has their own aspect of the mystery, but they all fit together into the same picture - Lucifer, bringer of Knowledge, will defeat the God and elevate humans to Gods.
Pretty much everything that has happened in Humanity, happened because of these initiates. Not only all the wars, the genocides, atrocities, but also all scientific development as well. And not because these people are smart or intelligent, but because they were privvy to the knowledge that is not known to us.
Even ancient philosophers like Plato, Pythagorus etc were initiated by the Egyptian priests. Plato went to the pyramid and stayed inside a sacrophagus for 3 days and came out "illuminated". Pythagorus was naturally a very smart person, but was encouraged to go and get illuminated so he can reach new hights.
Within the people who are initiated into the mysteries, there are some who have always been trying to defeat it. The battle we are in is the tail end of this battle that has been waged for millenium.
You can trace the origin of "Assassin creed" to the mysteries, and the Knights Templars to the Assassins, and Rosecrucians to the Knight Templers, and Free Masonry, Skulls and Bones, Pirates etc to the Rosecrucians. Jesuits and Zionism can also be traced back to the same lineage. Catholic church has always been infiltrated by the initiated even though they had to move very slowly so as not to expose themselves too much.
All these offshoots have their publicly visible face (Exoteric) and the real knowledge (Esoteric). Most of the initiates themselves are not aware of the Esoterics, and only those who reach the higher levels are exposed to it in stages.
George Bush is a direct descendant of the guy who founded the Rosecrucianism. Almost all presidents, and British monarchs as well.
Satanism is simply an easy to use term for this mystery religion that worships Lucifer, in whatever form they do. Ultimately, they are all the same.
The root of satanism/luciferianism is legalism. The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil represents legalism (works lead to godhood). Religions and dogmas and states are all based on legalism. Satan tempted Jesus by offering worldly kingdoms and governments, etc., etc.
i think a lot of this board will disagree with your conclusions here. yes, the dark force winding through earth's history has access to the mysteries. but initiation isn't the reason they fight God, nor is it our enemy's defining feature. there have always been initiates and mystery schools on both sides of this war. which is why there is also an esoteric aspect to the Bible
imo, at the highest degree, luciferians know that they work for God, and their job is to lose.
analogous to the idea that Judas did not want to betray Jesus, but Jesus insisted because he knew it had to be done.
these things have shaped our society in order to tell a particular story, because that's what God has willed
If God willed it thus, it may be their job, but not consciously. In this case they are just unwitting pawns of God, just like all Cabal puppets are, of WHs.
most of our enemy are satanists. they think that god is evil or weak or nonexistent.
luciferians aren't so numerous, or so blind. they see the power structure for what it is, and play their part within it.
source: head canon. but i think there's something to it
Ultimately, all secret religions have their origin in sun worship. Osiris/Isis/Horus in Egypt, Mithras in Persia etc. In the West, Egyptian priests were primarily the people who guarded these secrets, and passed it along. Those who were initiated into these secrets call themselves illuminated or enlightened.
This secret religion is referred to as Mysteries and each civilisation has their own aspect of the mystery, but they all fit together into the same picture - Lucifer, bringer of Knowledge, will defeat the God and elevate humans to Gods.
Pretty much everything that has happened in Humanity, happened because of these initiates. Not only all the wars, the genocides, atrocities, but also all scientific development as well. And not because these people are smart or intelligent, but because they were privvy to the knowledge that is not known to us.
Even ancient philosophers like Plato, Pythagorus etc were initiated by the Egyptian priests. Plato went to the pyramid and stayed inside a sacrophagus for 3 days and came out "illuminated". Pythagorus was naturally a very smart person, but was encouraged to go and get illuminated so he can reach new hights.
Within the people who are initiated into the mysteries, there are some who have always been trying to defeat it. The battle we are in is the tail end of this battle that has been waged for millenium.
You can trace the origin of "Assassin creed" to the mysteries, and the Knights Templars to the Assassins, and Rosecrucians to the Knight Templers, and Free Masonry, Skulls and Bones, Pirates etc to the Rosecrucians. Jesuits and Zionism can also be traced back to the same lineage. Catholic church has always been infiltrated by the initiated even though they had to move very slowly so as not to expose themselves too much.
All these offshoots have their publicly visible face (Exoteric) and the real knowledge (Esoteric). Most of the initiates themselves are not aware of the Esoterics, and only those who reach the higher levels are exposed to it in stages.
George Bush is a direct descendant of the guy who founded the Rosecrucianism. Almost all presidents, and British monarchs as well.
Satanism is simply an easy to use term for this mystery religion that worships Lucifer, in whatever form they do. Ultimately, they are all the same.
Research on these topics alone consumes the majority of my free time. This is all 100% true. Thanks for taking the time to explain it all b.
The root of satanism/luciferianism is legalism. The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil represents legalism (works lead to godhood). Religions and dogmas and states are all based on legalism. Satan tempted Jesus by offering worldly kingdoms and governments, etc., etc.
i think a lot of this board will disagree with your conclusions here. yes, the dark force winding through earth's history has access to the mysteries. but initiation isn't the reason they fight God, nor is it our enemy's defining feature. there have always been initiates and mystery schools on both sides of this war. which is why there is also an esoteric aspect to the Bible
Where did Jesus insist Judas betray him?
He didn’t. But one could easily argue he commanded Peter to “deny me three times.”
He predicted that, he didn’t command it.
That’s the common reading. But what other biblical figure likes starting his sentences with “Thou shalt”?
Haha fun with that one.