Socialist government bans Rosary prayer in Spain
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Is this the next left wing EU government to fall.
Heck, I'm a Southern Baptist and even I say this is soooooo wrong. Let people worship in the way they choose, as long as it doesn't hurt anyone else. If the PTB keep pushing these religions it will only serve to colalese them into one unified front and that will be a huge force trying to repell the NWO program. The NWO will fail because of their lack of Godly ways.
Go Catholics!!!!
I wish I lived their, I'm not even catholic, but I would join them......
Hegelian Dialectic at its finest.
How dare you carry a string of beads!
How dare you move your lips!
Did I catch you praying?
Sounds like it's time for a Renconquista!
I am not on board with the catholic stuff, but if I lived there I would pray the rosary just to spite those socialist jerks.