I've been looking for answers on how to help one of my dogs with an allergy that our vets don't know what caused it or how to help him. Which I'm starting to wonder if it's from vaccinations or food (chicken).
So, I started wondering if ivermectin could help him. Then with this new "mysterious" respiratory illness going around in dogs now, I wondered if it would be a good thing to have on hand &/or go ahead and use on my dogs as a preventative.
Someone (sorry don't remember if it was here or on social media) told me to check this Veterinarian's youtube videos out because I wanted to try natural ways to help our dog.
Dr. Jones is a retired veterinarian who shares how to help our pets ourselves using more natural ways, some things we may already have at home. He uses a lot of things we use like Quercetin, Ivermectin (though he hasn't mentioned it for this new illness yet, commenters do suggest it though), Pancur/Fenben, honey, vitamin D3 in way of cod liver oil, ACV, coconut oil, herbal teas ....
Ivermectin for Cancer in Dogs: Doses and Regimens
He does go over dosage in his video, but in the comments someone asked how she could get ivermectin for her dog and this was his answer:
Current studies show Ivermectin to be beneficial for an array of cancers. There are no published animal doses for cancer, but it is used extensively in dogs/cats for parasites. Dog dose of 1mg (0.1cc) per 10lbs daily for a minimum 30 days and assess response.
Here's Dr. Jone's first video on the mystery dog illness...
Mystery Dog Illness Potentially Fatal and Spreading
Here's his 2nd video on mystery illness...
UPDATE: Mystery Dog Disease Treatments
You can check out his channel to see more of his videos on other health issues...
⭐Also remember that certain dog breeds that have the MDR 1 gene mutation, have bad reactions to Ivermectin, 70% of Collies, 50% of Australian Shepherds, Whippets, Sheepdogs, German Shepherds & some mixed breeds. So if you don't know if your dog has one of these breeds in them, should get your dog tested to see if they can tolerate ivermectin. I know my dogs don't have these breeds in them because I've done their dna on them because one of my past dogs did have a reaction to a medicine and we almost lost her, because she did have collie in her. So after that episode, we had her dna checked and sure enough she had like 12% collie in her, we would never have guessed it.
Puppy died yesterday from parvo. It was an awful way to die, even w/meds and treatment. Was hoping to find something to save him, in addition to the conventional protocol. From symptoms to death was 4 days.
Second puppy sick. The next 24 hours will tell us whether we are going to put him down or not. Not going to put him thru what the other one went thru.
If you are a praying man…please pray God will heal my dog.
@MudPuddlePie Use Saline Solution. You can buy it online.You MUST inject about 20cc's just underneath the skin. This prevents the puppy from getting dehydrated. You will have to do this about every 2 to 4 hours until the puppy starts drinking on its own. DO NOT GIVE ORALLY. The puppy will just throw it up.
I had a 2 yr old vaccinated Lab get Parvo. We almost lost him. This is the only thing that saved him. Its what the ER vet did and I just followed what I saw.
Once he started drinking on his own, we gave him pedialyte - unflavored. I am sorry to hear about your puppy.
Yes, thank you. We are doing that and pedialyte, bone broth, plus holistic.
How long did you fight this? He’s about day 3 and it looks to be getting worse.
We fought it for a 3-4 days. How often are you injecting him with saline? Is he still throwing up? If yes, I wouldn't give him anything orally. If he is drinking on his own and not throwing up, then add some shredded chicken and/or baby rice cereal with his pedialyte so he can get his strength back.
We didn't try a whole lot of other things besides saline. When our lab was sick, my daughters took shifts staying up with him, they gave him 20 cc's of saline every two - four hours depending on how fast his body absorbed the fluids. One daughter would take the day shift; the other daughter took the night shift. It was an entire ordeal. We weren't sure he would make it.
How old is your dog?
T/u for your answer.
8 mos old. Using IV w/ electrolytes, fluid under the skin every few hours. Anti nausea meds and antibiotics also prescribed. Plus some probiotics, colostrum and milk thistle.
Glad ur puppy survived. It’s awful.
Don’t know if you’ve looked into where parvo came from. It’s been a long time and if I remember correctly…“They” were trying to find a new vaccine for cats. Combining sh*t in the lab. “They” vaxed the cats but infected the dogs.
Oh I'm so sorry! I wish I knew of something to help the other puppy. I prayed that the Lord heals your puppy and that it lives a long healthy happy life.
T/u. Touch and go atm.
I found this article on treating parvo at home...
It says dehydration is it's biggest threat, have to keep the pup hydrated until it can drink on its own...
"Parvo itself isn’t the worst threat. Severe dehydration is much more dangerous. If your puppy can’t keep his liquids down by mouth … you need to get them into him another way."
Oh and vet said 10% of dogs still get parvo even if vaxed.
But, if ur dog survives parvo, they are immune for life.
I did some searching, and am finding quite a bit of testimony that says MMS will cure Parvo.
Pup with Parvo Saved
And this: 08/12/2010: Virginia from Hamilton, Ontario writes: "My Remedy was MMS for Parvo in dogs. Yesterday, my 7wk female pup, suddenly came down with symptoms of Parvo, loss of appetite, refusing even water, for an entire day, and then morning diarehha, was slimmy and bloody, pressure forcing out, litterly pushing pup's back end off the ground. Then vomiting frothy slime that appeared clear. Then extreme listlessness, tired, sleeping more than usual and deep sleep, weakness increased, by late afternoon, could not balance, and diarehha became more bloody and dark pudding like, very slimy near end finish. Followed by high fever. Dehydration set in, skin non elastic, drastic weight loss. Could not afford Vet bill, and as Parvo has 90 ath rate as incurable. But intended to get pup vaccinated as appt is in 1 wk. Been taking MMS myself for over a year, with good results. Immediately, started pup on only MMS 1/4 drop ratio, i.e., 1 quarter of 1 drop ratio. The ratio is 3 drops per 25 pounds. This pup was under 5 pounds, therefore I used a quarter of a drop ratio with 4 oz. of water, and alternating with Electrolytes, and then boiled concentrated Barley water. Fed alternating MMS low doses with small bent dropper and Electrolytes first, at side of mouth for pup to lick and swallow, every 10, 15minutes. Then cooled concentrated barley water(boiled down to thick consistency)alternating also with dropper. Saw immediate change within an hr. Dog was playful, after barley water dog wanted actually to eat its kibble. Next day diarrhea not as liquid, no blood, and dog is drinking and eating on own, playful, actually wanted to run. Fever gone and nose feels cool and wet, gums are good pink return when pressed. I will still watch symptoms with caution and change to bland diet for next 2wks till healed, as there may be damage in the intestinal lining due to blood. I will also continue MMS low dosage in daily drinking water. Will update new data. Thks, Virginia"
Wow. T/u for the info. Going to pass along and look into.
You frogs are amazing. I knew there had to be something that worked.
And I knew someone here would have an answer.
Edit: I searched all over and never ran across this info. 🙁