The Modified FISA-702 Reauthorization Bill (HR 6611) Has Passed the House – The Changes Have Expanded Federal Surveillance of Americans
🧠 These people are stupid!
How the hell do all those people out there NOT SEE THIS CRAP? How? I'm pissed and it doesn't have anything to do with us. 🙈
Because the football game is on, dancing with the stars drama abounds. Normies don't care.
I get very annoyed at people who appear physically distressed over a sports loss of their favorite team. In my head I'm thinking... c'mon people! There's a thousands-year-old Cabal trying to eliminate you and all you care about is football??
Bread and Circus is all it is. They always refer to a win or loss as "we won!" or "we lost", who's we??? You are a pleb that pays hundreds to watch multimillionaires play a children game.
Precisely. Not to mention that the EN-EFF-ELL is as rigged as one of the stupid-ass reality shows with manufactured drama that normies love to slurp up.
Spot on Bedminster. Every time I hear people talking fervently about "our chances in the next game," or "Yay, we made another touchdown," or "I think we can win this one," I feel like asking them when they joined their team.
"[...] films, football, beer and above all, gambling filled up the horizon of their minds. To keep them in control was not difficult."
Distractions of them. There's also Taylor Swift and used to be Kardasians and their pretty butts.
We see it, but many don't pay attention. How many do you know in your circle even know about this?
Two - I have two friends that actively research and see.
You have a smart circle of friends. I have big fat 0
I hope you find some - it's sanity saving lol