I fully expect the supreme court to rule NO on Presidential Immunity against criminal immunity
🤔💭 Theory 😲💡
Think about it - this is one of the few remaining barriers to prosecuting Obama, Biden, et al if they can claim Presidential Immunity while in office.
It must be ruled on against Trump not Obama or Biden for the public to accept it easily.
"It is legally untested whether they also enjoy criminal immunity from arrest or prosecution."
My curiosity is what happens if someone proves Obama was never eligible to be President? Is he still covered by Presidential Immunity? Same goes for Biden, if he is proven to be illegitimately installed, was he really President? Why would he be covered by Presidential Immunity?
Nevertheless both have committed enough corrupt acts when they were not President to justify them joining Club Gitmo.
I think this is what Q was hinting at when they said “a new word for ‘treason’ will need to be invented”. Is it technically treason if Hussein was never loyal to the US in the first place?
We already have a term for people who aren't loyal to the US and weren't lawfully elected... Democrats.
I understand what you are saying, but he took the same oath and if he wasn't loyal to the US then he took the oath under false pretenses and was never going to honor it, Many people believed he was not qualified and raised some concerns, but whoever they voiced the concerns to just didn't care-so he is very liable for what he did to our country-him and big Mike should both be tried-when found guilty they should be given the severest of penalties.
Did he take the same oath?
If I remember correctly didn’t Justice Roberts screw up the oath? And he and Obama supposedly did it “correctly” in the White House in private.
Edited to add: Apparently neither time was the oath done correctly. https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2013/01/obama-oath-of-office-2013/319262/
My statement didn't go into how many people do not pay very close attention to most of the ceremonial portion of those events. They just "see" that the inauguration went as scripted, generally. I understand what you are saying, but in saying this, he does (in the video you sent) swear to uphold and defend the constitution of the United States. It did look as though he had trouble saying the United States, unless it was a slight glitch in the film.
Yes, because of his oath of office. Loyal or not he swore an oath and should be liable because of it.