They know something is coming. They've known about it for decades. The huge D.U.M.B.s, the military has been building to store food, electronics, archived information, etc., the under-sea entrances around our coastlines with submarine access to underground facilities, the secrecy around Antarctica and the no-fly zone there...
We know something big is coming. Will any of us survive it to tell the real history of what went down?
All bunkers must have an air intake. We used to smoke rats that had tunneled under the barn floor out by pumping smoke into the tunnels. A bunker would of course have air scrubbers on the intakes, but no amount of scrubbing can remove chloramine gas. All you need is industrial ammonia (28%), available almost anywhere cleaning supplies are sold, and Chlorox (chlorine), presto...chloramine gas.
Some people believe that the 26k+ year cycle of Planet Niburu orbit being near Earth happening again is what these peeps are preparing for. History going back to Niburu inhabitants having been on Earth negatively, Archons I think. Not a plus in our evolution. Nicholai Senchen (sp) the sci who analyzed Sumarian plates wrote about it I think.
It would be a shame if somebody built a stadium on top of it once he is down there with the bunker as a septic tank.
They know something is coming. They've known about it for decades. The huge D.U.M.B.s, the military has been building to store food, electronics, archived information, etc., the under-sea entrances around our coastlines with submarine access to underground facilities, the secrecy around Antarctica and the no-fly zone there...
We know something big is coming. Will any of us survive it to tell the real history of what went down?
But I thought Hawaii was going to be under water due to the rising sea level from ClImAtE cHaNgE...
Not only do they stock them with sprawling luxuries that can sustain them for years, including servants, they stock them with children to abuse.
He’s gonna need a bunker when all his crimes get exposed. NCSWIC
All bunkers must have an air intake. We used to smoke rats that had tunneled under the barn floor out by pumping smoke into the tunnels. A bunker would of course have air scrubbers on the intakes, but no amount of scrubbing can remove chloramine gas. All you need is industrial ammonia (28%), available almost anywhere cleaning supplies are sold, and Chlorox (chlorine), presto...chloramine gas.
But walls and colonization are bad right FB
One bunker buster… problem solved!
Some people believe that the 26k+ year cycle of Planet Niburu orbit being near Earth happening again is what these peeps are preparing for. History going back to Niburu inhabitants having been on Earth negatively, Archons I think. Not a plus in our evolution. Nicholai Senchen (sp) the sci who analyzed Sumarian plates wrote about it I think.
Buried in rubble would be best.
We could drill down and pump in shit.