lol and when did that creed show up, friend? You sound like a child parroting what he learned in church at age 12. My God. Christ would be so disappointed in those who call themselves Christians today. Completely missed the point. How you managed to wriggle free of the Catholics but not the dogma of Paul is beyond me.
Jesus Christ is God. The trinity is the basis of Christianity.
You don't get to claim that doctrines that have been rejected by all of Christianity for 1500+ years are Christian. Even if they are wrong, they aren't Christian.
This argument is like saying Islam and Christianity are compatible and worship the same God. It's just not true.
There are doctrines one must believe, and to not believe them is to not believe in the same God as people who do believe in those doctrines.
Christianity is not for everyone, in the sense that if you reject the basic tenants, you don't get to just make up whatever you want and claim to be Christian. It IS for everyone, in the sense that you can repent and become a Christian by giving yourself over to God.
Also, the Catholic Church is the One True Church. You don't have some special knowledge of ancient deception or whatever. To keep it simple, God wouldn't have allowed such a thing because it would completely contradict His nature to do so.
Christ started the Church and made Peter the first Pope, our history is accurate enough to confirm what it needs to about the faith, and there wasn't an extended period of hundreds to a thousand plus years when God left the faithful high and dry living in deception unable to truly know Him.
And before you pull out all the lazy arguments: I wasn't raised Catholic, and only became one recently after previously converting to Christianity, which I only did after getting involved here on GAW 4 years ago and getting all the anti-Roman Catholic Church talking points hammered into my head over the years.
Also, the Catholic Church is the One True Church. You don't have some special knowledge of ancient deception or whatever. To keep it simple, God wouldn't have allowed such a thing because it would completely contradict His nature to do so.
This however…oh boy. How anyone can look around this world and decide that God would not allow mankind to exercise the agency he gave them for evil…there’s the great trick the Devil played on you right there.
Let's be very specific here: God would not allow our agency to impede His Will.
He would not allow for our agency to completely destroy any evidence of Him or His existence.
He would not reveal Himself to us without safeguarding this revelation.
If His intention was to come and die on the cross for our sins, He isn't going to let that disappear to the sands of time or the corruption of Men.
This makes no sense, and you can provide no justification for such a belief (in part, because you can't authoritatively justify anything ;)).
And none of this requires Him to impinge on our will. Just for Him to use those who are faithful to preserve His teachings forever and ever. So God preserves truth through His Church.
And this is exactly what we see. Everything that is believed today in western society came from the Church. You can dislike it all you want, but it's true. Every single thing about our modern society is the result of and built on the back of 2000 years of Church influence. And then people started ignoring the Church, and everything shortly went to shit in modern times. I wonder why?
Sorry, buddy, but the devil has played no tricks on anyone except the guy who thinks he is the arbiter of truth and who refuses to submit to the will of anyone else. You can phrase it as not submitting to the beliefs of other "men" or "groups", but the level of disdain you display for being "told what to believe" absolutely extends to God. You evidently want God to fit your beliefs, as so many do, rather than make your views fit God. And when that becomes the case, you don't worship God, but self, i.e. Satan.
Keep banging that drum, drummer boy. Maybe if you assert your opinion a little more forcefully we’ll all believe you this time. Oh right, who cares if we believe you? You did your job. Said what you had to say. and washed your hands like Pilate, right?
I get to say whatever I think is true. No man or group of men can force me to believe other than I do. I think your church is wack—it lacks the miracles that prove its continued authenticity in my mind, among other things (your protestant offshoots suffer the same malady unfortunately, and give too much weight to your scriptures as the Pharisees did of old), but I think if you dig deep you can find God through it anyway, for God is no respecter of persons, or group of persons. He works with us according to our faith and our faith is enhanced through righteousness and the broadening of our minds and the creative exercising of our faith. I won’t blame you for where you are now. Dig deep past the dogma and you’ll find God just the same.
Cool, but God doesn't care what you think is true. He does care about your soul, though, and wants you to live forever. So He logically provided a way for us to know Truth and to follow Christ with the knowledge of what that means.
You won't find God by saying "whatever [you] think is true". You'll find Him by giving up your will and following His will. The question should be, what is His will? How do we find that out?
What we shouldn't be doing is worshiping the self, or some fantasy version of God that everyone can worship their own way and get to the same place (so worshiping self with extra steps). All of that is why the world is so bad in the first place.
Edit: Also, the only miracle that's needed to prove the Church is the fact that an institution supposedly run by Man has lasted for 2000 years. I mean this with all respect, but to think that Man could achieve such a thing is patently retarded. The Church is clearly still around because it's ultimately run by God, not Man.
Thanks for the speech but I could have heard the same one by walking into any Mormon Church. They too think the longevity of their church is proof of something and it’s been around 1/10 as long as yours. Ohhhthose pesky Muslims do as well and they’re fairly old themselves. Oh yes. And the Jews. Afraid they got you beat on that measuring stick (I know, you’ll say “But the Jews went astray so God sent his Son to start a new church and that’s the one we should follow.” But see there’s the rub, the same evidence against the Jews that shows they went astray applied to the Catholics too. It’s literally the justification for Mormonism’s existence: Catholicism fell into apostasy, like the Jews before them, so God called a new prophet, Joseph Smith, to restore what was lost).
Fun, huh? Keep banging that drum “boy-who never-read-a-history-book”. Nothing drowns out the Holy Spirit quite like a drum. Maybe you should etch a lightning bolt scar on your forehead and the rest of Christianity might actually listen to your ridiculous assertions.
You have a point. I’m trying, with admittedly limited success to disabuse myself of the notion I actually “know” anything at all. Thanks for reminding me how stupid I really am. I read some stuff, and repeat it but I wasn’t there, so I can’t really say for sure.
My dog died suddenly today. It makes me feel like being extra nice to everybody, as life’s too short and uncertain to spend it in recriminations. Thanks again. Best wishes in this life, and maybe, the next.
lol and when did that creed show up, friend? You sound like a child parroting what he learned in church at age 12. My God. Christ would be so disappointed in those who call themselves Christians today. Completely missed the point. How you managed to wriggle free of the Catholics but not the dogma of Paul is beyond me.
Jesus Christ is God. The trinity is the basis of Christianity.
You don't get to claim that doctrines that have been rejected by all of Christianity for 1500+ years are Christian. Even if they are wrong, they aren't Christian.
This argument is like saying Islam and Christianity are compatible and worship the same God. It's just not true.
There are doctrines one must believe, and to not believe them is to not believe in the same God as people who do believe in those doctrines.
Christianity is not for everyone, in the sense that if you reject the basic tenants, you don't get to just make up whatever you want and claim to be Christian. It IS for everyone, in the sense that you can repent and become a Christian by giving yourself over to God.
Also, the Catholic Church is the One True Church. You don't have some special knowledge of ancient deception or whatever. To keep it simple, God wouldn't have allowed such a thing because it would completely contradict His nature to do so.
Christ started the Church and made Peter the first Pope, our history is accurate enough to confirm what it needs to about the faith, and there wasn't an extended period of hundreds to a thousand plus years when God left the faithful high and dry living in deception unable to truly know Him.
And before you pull out all the lazy arguments: I wasn't raised Catholic, and only became one recently after previously converting to Christianity, which I only did after getting involved here on GAW 4 years ago and getting all the anti-Roman Catholic Church talking points hammered into my head over the years.
This however…oh boy. How anyone can look around this world and decide that God would not allow mankind to exercise the agency he gave them for evil…there’s the great trick the Devil played on you right there.
Let's be very specific here: God would not allow our agency to impede His Will.
He would not allow for our agency to completely destroy any evidence of Him or His existence.
He would not reveal Himself to us without safeguarding this revelation.
If His intention was to come and die on the cross for our sins, He isn't going to let that disappear to the sands of time or the corruption of Men.
This makes no sense, and you can provide no justification for such a belief (in part, because you can't authoritatively justify anything ;)).
And none of this requires Him to impinge on our will. Just for Him to use those who are faithful to preserve His teachings forever and ever. So God preserves truth through His Church.
And this is exactly what we see. Everything that is believed today in western society came from the Church. You can dislike it all you want, but it's true. Every single thing about our modern society is the result of and built on the back of 2000 years of Church influence. And then people started ignoring the Church, and everything shortly went to shit in modern times. I wonder why?
Sorry, buddy, but the devil has played no tricks on anyone except the guy who thinks he is the arbiter of truth and who refuses to submit to the will of anyone else. You can phrase it as not submitting to the beliefs of other "men" or "groups", but the level of disdain you display for being "told what to believe" absolutely extends to God. You evidently want God to fit your beliefs, as so many do, rather than make your views fit God. And when that becomes the case, you don't worship God, but self, i.e. Satan.
Keep banging that drum, drummer boy. Maybe if you assert your opinion a little more forcefully we’ll all believe you this time. Oh right, who cares if we believe you? You did your job. Said what you had to say. and washed your hands like Pilate, right?
I get to say whatever I think is true. No man or group of men can force me to believe other than I do. I think your church is wack—it lacks the miracles that prove its continued authenticity in my mind, among other things (your protestant offshoots suffer the same malady unfortunately, and give too much weight to your scriptures as the Pharisees did of old), but I think if you dig deep you can find God through it anyway, for God is no respecter of persons, or group of persons. He works with us according to our faith and our faith is enhanced through righteousness and the broadening of our minds and the creative exercising of our faith. I won’t blame you for where you are now. Dig deep past the dogma and you’ll find God just the same.
Cool, but God doesn't care what you think is true. He does care about your soul, though, and wants you to live forever. So He logically provided a way for us to know Truth and to follow Christ with the knowledge of what that means.
You won't find God by saying "whatever [you] think is true". You'll find Him by giving up your will and following His will. The question should be, what is His will? How do we find that out?
What we shouldn't be doing is worshiping the self, or some fantasy version of God that everyone can worship their own way and get to the same place (so worshiping self with extra steps). All of that is why the world is so bad in the first place.
Edit: Also, the only miracle that's needed to prove the Church is the fact that an institution supposedly run by Man has lasted for 2000 years. I mean this with all respect, but to think that Man could achieve such a thing is patently retarded. The Church is clearly still around because it's ultimately run by God, not Man.
Thanks for the speech but I could have heard the same one by walking into any Mormon Church. They too think the longevity of their church is proof of something and it’s been around 1/10 as long as yours. Ohhhthose pesky Muslims do as well and they’re fairly old themselves. Oh yes. And the Jews. Afraid they got you beat on that measuring stick (I know, you’ll say “But the Jews went astray so God sent his Son to start a new church and that’s the one we should follow.” But see there’s the rub, the same evidence against the Jews that shows they went astray applied to the Catholics too. It’s literally the justification for Mormonism’s existence: Catholicism fell into apostasy, like the Jews before them, so God called a new prophet, Joseph Smith, to restore what was lost).
Fun, huh? Keep banging that drum “boy-who never-read-a-history-book”. Nothing drowns out the Holy Spirit quite like a drum. Maybe you should etch a lightning bolt scar on your forehead and the rest of Christianity might actually listen to your ridiculous assertions.
You have a point. I’m trying, with admittedly limited success to disabuse myself of the notion I actually “know” anything at all. Thanks for reminding me how stupid I really am. I read some stuff, and repeat it but I wasn’t there, so I can’t really say for sure.
My dog died suddenly today. It makes me feel like being extra nice to everybody, as life’s too short and uncertain to spend it in recriminations. Thanks again. Best wishes in this life, and maybe, the next.
You too. Great humble reply.