Left wingers are starting to wake up too. I've been hearing that for a while now and may have seen a few videos here and there about lefties switching sides, but for the first time ever, I saw a video from a progressive, calling out the blatant propaganda that "they" put in movies to try to get us to start a civil war and kill each other. She says that "they" want us to kill each other so "they" don't have to. She is aware of the cabal and knows. She goes on and says she's a progressive, and asks the MAGA crowd, if we'd be willing to put our differences aside so we can stand up against this machine. Nevertheless, I replied and said I was more than willing, and glad to do so.
Anither interesting thing I noticed: over the course of the last year, I've seen a significant decrease in screaming lefties. It's like they shut up for one reason or another. I'm hoping Joe Biden opened their eyes to their retarded policies.
And something I noticed within myself that made me more compassionate towards everyone. I used to consider myself a capitalist, and probably still am based on my desires, but today's version of "capitalism" is a bunch of mega corporations, who lobby and finance polititians campaigns to win favor and pass laws and regulations that benefit the corporations and stamp out competition from mom and pop shops and small businesses. Those companies then offer those same polititians nice cushy, high paying jobs when they are no longer eligible for reelection.
I see this at a local level as well where local polititians approve things that benefit their own companies, and screw everyone else over. And I see bigger local businesses in bed with the polititians. This whole machine is so flippin' screwed up
Then they say that capitalism isn't working, is evil, and needs to be replaced by socialism, which isn't socialism either, just another way to feed the elites.
What's interesting is that the word capitalism was coined by Marx. Marx was financed by the British crown....its a capitalist/communist conspiracy to control and steal the people's life force.
People don't seem to realize this. We should be using the term "free market" or "free enterprise" instead of "capitalism," which implies that someone needs to have a lot of money, i.e. capital, to do anything. Most of what we can't effectively produce ourselves we CAN get from small businesses that don't require a lot of "capital" to operate. Why are we using Marx's term? (Actually, I think someone else used it first, but he made it popular.)
Progressives are progressives because they have been brainwashed by these people they call deep state. They ARE the enabling minions. There is no putting our beliefs aside to cooperate with them. They have to change or get swept up in the shit with the rest. I'll make no concordance with a leftist even if they use the sof term progressive. They are an internal enemy or a stooge at best.
I disagree. If everyone is willing to put differences aside to work for ONE common cause, I believe that would open the door to more working together to resolve more issues and maybe they would get red pilled in the process. And note the poster said "differences" not "beliefs". To me, the biggest issue today isn't that we have differences of opinions, its that no one is willing to compromise anymore. Yes, lefties are very unwilling but the minute each "side" decides to take a step towards the other then communication starts to open up. No one screaming and sticking fingers in their ears yelling 'LALALALA I can't hear you". It may not be possible with ALL people, but I think it's progress that even some are seeing the same problems we see and want to work together to fix them. Wasn't it Q that said "they want you divided"? Well, this would be a perfect chance to start uniting and being united might openore eyes.
it's the progressive mindset that got us here in the first place. if they are willing to come on over to our side, then yeah, but i'm never going to be for open borders, free everything. it just ain't ever happening for me to let our society go to shit, just so the alphabet group feels cozy.
Left wingers are starting to wake up too. I've been hearing that for a while now and may have seen a few videos here and there about lefties switching sides, but for the first time ever, I saw a video from a progressive, calling out the blatant propaganda that "they" put in movies to try to get us to start a civil war and kill each other. She says that "they" want us to kill each other so "they" don't have to. She is aware of the cabal and knows. She goes on and says she's a progressive, and asks the MAGA crowd, if we'd be willing to put our differences aside so we can stand up against this machine. Nevertheless, I replied and said I was more than willing, and glad to do so.
Anither interesting thing I noticed: over the course of the last year, I've seen a significant decrease in screaming lefties. It's like they shut up for one reason or another. I'm hoping Joe Biden opened their eyes to their retarded policies.
And something I noticed within myself that made me more compassionate towards everyone. I used to consider myself a capitalist, and probably still am based on my desires, but today's version of "capitalism" is a bunch of mega corporations, who lobby and finance polititians campaigns to win favor and pass laws and regulations that benefit the corporations and stamp out competition from mom and pop shops and small businesses. Those companies then offer those same polititians nice cushy, high paying jobs when they are no longer eligible for reelection.
I see this at a local level as well where local polititians approve things that benefit their own companies, and screw everyone else over. And I see bigger local businesses in bed with the polititians. This whole machine is so flippin' screwed up
Yeah it’s not “capitalism”, it’s crony capitalism or better described as fascism. Big business in bed with big government
Just another name for Communist enslavement
Exactly this ^^ The most prosperous form of market governance isn't actually capitalism. The ideal market is called "Free and Fair Enterprise"
Then they say that capitalism isn't working, is evil, and needs to be replaced by socialism, which isn't socialism either, just another way to feed the elites.
God bless Brandon Straka for his Walkaway movement as well!
What's interesting is that the word capitalism was coined by Marx. Marx was financed by the British crown....its a capitalist/communist conspiracy to control and steal the people's life force.
People don't seem to realize this. We should be using the term "free market" or "free enterprise" instead of "capitalism," which implies that someone needs to have a lot of money, i.e. capital, to do anything. Most of what we can't effectively produce ourselves we CAN get from small businesses that don't require a lot of "capital" to operate. Why are we using Marx's term? (Actually, I think someone else used it first, but he made it popular.)
I started my business with the equivalent of $600.
Progressives are progressives because they have been brainwashed by these people they call deep state. They ARE the enabling minions. There is no putting our beliefs aside to cooperate with them. They have to change or get swept up in the shit with the rest. I'll make no concordance with a leftist even if they use the sof term progressive. They are an internal enemy or a stooge at best.
I disagree. If everyone is willing to put differences aside to work for ONE common cause, I believe that would open the door to more working together to resolve more issues and maybe they would get red pilled in the process. And note the poster said "differences" not "beliefs". To me, the biggest issue today isn't that we have differences of opinions, its that no one is willing to compromise anymore. Yes, lefties are very unwilling but the minute each "side" decides to take a step towards the other then communication starts to open up. No one screaming and sticking fingers in their ears yelling 'LALALALA I can't hear you". It may not be possible with ALL people, but I think it's progress that even some are seeing the same problems we see and want to work together to fix them. Wasn't it Q that said "they want you divided"? Well, this would be a perfect chance to start uniting and being united might openore eyes.
it's the progressive mindset that got us here in the first place. if they are willing to come on over to our side, then yeah, but i'm never going to be for open borders, free everything. it just ain't ever happening for me to let our society go to shit, just so the alphabet group feels cozy.
I didn't read the post as promoting that - merely a joining of forces to defeat one movement that both sides object to being carried out.
You might be right, but we're supposed to be waking people up. Might take some time for them to come out of a deep slumber.
politicians - because it's poli-tics not poli-tits! :-)
However ... polytits is an interesting concept to consider ...