When you remember that we are carbon based life forms, the phrase "carbon reduction" used be monsters who think there are too many people on the planet is put into perspective.
Of course, it is breathing that is causing the climate to change-All living animals and plants breath. This has been going on for as long as life has been on the planet and God willed it. So the Cabal has actually defined what they want-us to stop breathing and changing THEIR world's climate. They need to fall in a volcano and see how hot it is when they are inside. Maybe they won't think we are the reason for the climate changing! But I doubt anything I said will/would change any of their minds.
I would highly praise any of them globalists if they start with themselves in reducing their carbon.
For the record: (Man being a Carbon based lifeform) was made up of 6 protons, 6 electrons, and 6 neutrons, =666
Malthusians are blunt about reducing human populations any means necessary.
Thats what's I've been saying!
When you remember that we are carbon based life forms, the phrase "carbon reduction" used be monsters who think there are too many people on the planet is put into perspective.
Of course, it is breathing that is causing the climate to change-All living animals and plants breath. This has been going on for as long as life has been on the planet and God willed it. So the Cabal has actually defined what they want-us to stop breathing and changing THEIR world's climate. They need to fall in a volcano and see how hot it is when they are inside. Maybe they won't think we are the reason for the climate changing! But I doubt anything I said will/would change any of their minds.