Push for ranked-choice voting is spreading across the U.S., despite bipartisan concerns
Ranked-choice voting is “detrimental” to “transparency,” as it “turns elections into a black box,” leading to delays in counting votes, more difficult recounts, election results being “harder to understand, and discouraging people from voting,” Jason Snead...
They're running out of ways to cheat
Not really running out as much as they are diversifying their cheating streams which is their way of trying to insure they have a successful portfolio of cheating to facilitate election wins in nearly any electoral environment.
No, they’re not. They keep coming up with new ways to cheat. They never give up.
No it isn't. They want us to believe this is wanted. Alaska...
Our Senator “won” with 30% of the vote.
The push maybe spreading, but the push is coming from the same bunch of crooks that have been cheating in the elections for decades if not centuries.