Honestly, it was very hard for this middle-aged man to watch the first few minutes of this. The depressing music, babies getting jabbed, little kids saying they are excited to take the vaccine for the protection of others around them.
I had to stop watching. Not that I can't learn something from the documentary, but I don't want to be angry all day. I pray this nightmare ends soon and I pray that all the innocent people can have some kind of victory very soon. For the innocent that don't make it, I hope heaven awaits and I know we will achieve victory in your honor.
Now you know how I feel, couple of my FB friends posted how they convinced their kids to get it and post proud bandaged arm shots etc whenever a booster comes around
Yeah, I have walked away from all those friends. Their compliance, complicity and non-critical thinking is a clear and present danger to not only theirs but my kids’ future too. They are not only not on our side, they don’t even know there are sides.
They know there are sides, or at least some do. I am heavily looked down upon by family/friends that got it.
Funny thing is They all are getting super flus this year with weird symptoms. I just respond, “maybe try that dreaded horse paste”, and leave it at that.
Two thoughts: 1. Operation Warpspeed is still not understood by many people. Until they understand what it actually was, many will continue to blame 45. Some anons maintain that most of the Q-op will remain secret, but I can't see how it can be kept hidden if 45 is to be fully regarded as the true hero he is. 2. It was like watching a long, slow, painful car crash watching Dr Campbell wake up to it all. He maintained the official narrative for two years or more. Maybe he's a psyop, but he is a pretty convincing normie waking up and he says he took the jab himself. I know he would probs have been banned from YT if he had awakened earlier, but many have loved ones who were influenced by him and nothing we could say at the time would reduce Campbell's influence.
Because Trump has not spoken out against the fake plandemic and the toxic vaccine, he lost a ton of support. He must explain himself, or risk being torn apart by future historians and future leaders that will permanently alter his image to one where it will not be so supportive. He owes the Patriot community an explanation, especially those that worked in the military, government and private corporations along side him. When the majority of them were forced to take the toxic vaccine or lose their careers, retirement etc, he should have been bombastic about this and went off on the tyranny. All he said was " I don't think they should be mandatory'....poof- that was it. No anger, no bombastic flights of rage against the tyranny. Kennedy has shown more rage than he has against the fake plandemic and toxic vaccine!!
Then there are those not clued in patriots who took the jab based on his say so. My retired neighbor is one of them. Took it before I could talk him down. Thankfully, there have been no noticeable consequences yet.
Does Trump even see films like this one - if he does, there is no way to tell - Trump is still pushing warp speed - it is time for him to come to the truth and admit it was a failed policy not by him but by the people he intrusted to implement the clot shot. If he doesn't admit it soon it is time for us all to show him how much we dislike our family members dying from the global push to reduce the world population. Let's let Trump know he will be held accountable also.
important topic. I can look the other way on this and give 45 a pass, but it it would be much better if he had addressed it a year ago and even more so now
I received one of FB "truth squad" messages that said a post I either commented on, or maybe posted myself (I received the notice yesterday, for something from Dec 1st!), I can't remember, but when I clicked to the details, it said some person put out a post or video about New Zealand's higher death rate after covid was due to the shots. The higher rate was in 2022, clearly after any dangerous strains of covid had passed, but covid shots full implemented. The "truth squad" actually claimed something on the order of "in 2022, a wave of covid swept the country, causing the increased deaths; not due to covid shots". I've been doing an analysis of excess deaths and am finding that leftist U.S. states appear to be hiding the increased deaths AFTER covid passed (2022 and 2023); "red states" show a significant increase in deaths in those years compared to pre-covid, and the "celebrity death" counts in 2022 and 2023 are about 50% higher than pre-covid counts; with celebrities probably the population group with the highest percentage of "vaccinated".
The alternative theory is that the "blue states" DID get a form of the covid shots that aren't resulting in an increased mortality rate, but that would indicate a level of evil beyond what we already know about them, because that means they were willing to have many of their leftist comrades in the "red states" be poisoned. The leftists seem to have been more likely get the shots, so they would be poisoning more of their voter base in the "red states" by doing this.
Honestly, it was very hard for this middle-aged man to watch the first few minutes of this. The depressing music, babies getting jabbed, little kids saying they are excited to take the vaccine for the protection of others around them.
I had to stop watching. Not that I can't learn something from the documentary, but I don't want to be angry all day. I pray this nightmare ends soon and I pray that all the innocent people can have some kind of victory very soon. For the innocent that don't make it, I hope heaven awaits and I know we will achieve victory in your honor.
I feel ya. It's just heartbreaking on every level.
Now you know how I feel, couple of my FB friends posted how they convinced their kids to get it and post proud bandaged arm shots etc whenever a booster comes around
Yeah, I have walked away from all those friends. Their compliance, complicity and non-critical thinking is a clear and present danger to not only theirs but my kids’ future too. They are not only not on our side, they don’t even know there are sides.
They know there are sides, or at least some do. I am heavily looked down upon by family/friends that got it.
Funny thing is They all are getting super flus this year with weird symptoms. I just respond, “maybe try that dreaded horse paste”, and leave it at that.
Two thoughts: 1. Operation Warpspeed is still not understood by many people. Until they understand what it actually was, many will continue to blame 45. Some anons maintain that most of the Q-op will remain secret, but I can't see how it can be kept hidden if 45 is to be fully regarded as the true hero he is. 2. It was like watching a long, slow, painful car crash watching Dr Campbell wake up to it all. He maintained the official narrative for two years or more. Maybe he's a psyop, but he is a pretty convincing normie waking up and he says he took the jab himself. I know he would probs have been banned from YT if he had awakened earlier, but many have loved ones who were influenced by him and nothing we could say at the time would reduce Campbell's influence.
Agree. I don’t think the general population can wrap their minds around sacrificing a few to save many.
I'm blaming him for not saying the clot shot kills.
They would have hung him. I remember how they treated the unvaxed in my office. It was pure evil.
I'm not talking about them - I'm talking about now - yes Trump could not have said anything then - but now he can and he is not.
Because Trump has not spoken out against the fake plandemic and the toxic vaccine, he lost a ton of support. He must explain himself, or risk being torn apart by future historians and future leaders that will permanently alter his image to one where it will not be so supportive. He owes the Patriot community an explanation, especially those that worked in the military, government and private corporations along side him. When the majority of them were forced to take the toxic vaccine or lose their careers, retirement etc, he should have been bombastic about this and went off on the tyranny. All he said was " I don't think they should be mandatory'....poof- that was it. No anger, no bombastic flights of rage against the tyranny. Kennedy has shown more rage than he has against the fake plandemic and toxic vaccine!!
Not a popular viewpoint around these parts but we’re at that point in the movie where it needed to be said. Bravo.
Then there are those not clued in patriots who took the jab based on his say so. My retired neighbor is one of them. Took it before I could talk him down. Thankfully, there have been no noticeable consequences yet.
Good watch... DARPA knew all along...
Very good, such sorrow tho, I cry when I see kids getting it..
Does Trump even see films like this one - if he does, there is no way to tell - Trump is still pushing warp speed - it is time for him to come to the truth and admit it was a failed policy not by him but by the people he intrusted to implement the clot shot. If he doesn't admit it soon it is time for us all to show him how much we dislike our family members dying from the global push to reduce the world population. Let's let Trump know he will be held accountable also.
important topic. I can look the other way on this and give 45 a pass, but it it would be much better if he had addressed it a year ago and even more so now
Well done!
I received one of FB "truth squad" messages that said a post I either commented on, or maybe posted myself (I received the notice yesterday, for something from Dec 1st!), I can't remember, but when I clicked to the details, it said some person put out a post or video about New Zealand's higher death rate after covid was due to the shots. The higher rate was in 2022, clearly after any dangerous strains of covid had passed, but covid shots full implemented. The "truth squad" actually claimed something on the order of "in 2022, a wave of covid swept the country, causing the increased deaths; not due to covid shots". I've been doing an analysis of excess deaths and am finding that leftist U.S. states appear to be hiding the increased deaths AFTER covid passed (2022 and 2023); "red states" show a significant increase in deaths in those years compared to pre-covid, and the "celebrity death" counts in 2022 and 2023 are about 50% higher than pre-covid counts; with celebrities probably the population group with the highest percentage of "vaccinated".
The alternative theory is that the "blue states" DID get a form of the covid shots that aren't resulting in an increased mortality rate, but that would indicate a level of evil beyond what we already know about them, because that means they were willing to have many of their leftist comrades in the "red states" be poisoned. The leftists seem to have been more likely get the shots, so they would be poisoning more of their voter base in the "red states" by doing this.
How long is it? For planning ourposes...
Easy listening at 1.5 speed.
Definitely a great undeniable redpill for those who still haven’t come to grips with the truth of what has been done to humanity. Well done.