I think we 'defend' Trump too soon. We should 'set the hook' first.
Let them convince themselves that going to the island was evil.
Them: "Trump was also on Epstein's plane!"
You: "So, going down to that island was a BAD thing?"
Them: "Of course! They did really evil things down there!"
You: "Actually, that only applies to YOUR heroes, not Trump. He hitched a ride on the plane one time (from FL to NY), but never went to the island. Would you like to talk about those who DID go down there? You know, the people that YOU just said were doing 'really evil things'?"
If all we ever do is explain that he 'once hitched a ride', we never lead them down the path to realize that the other names did something truly evil.
If you have any other ideas/refinements, please add them...
It’s really tough for me not to defend GEOTUS, but I’ve learned that no info war is won with a single battle, and planting the mustard seed is better long term.
So, I’ve learned sometimes I have to let some fake shade spill onto Trump just to be able to ask some questions and get some thought going.
It’s unfortunate, but TDS is a cult. And you don’t pull people out of a cult by saying it’s a cult, you pull people out by agreeing with them just enough to ask them some things to help them break the spell themselves.
Well said.
Too many folks on here just want 'be right' and rub their faces in it. You are actually trying to create change, in a subtle meaningful way. You are a true soldier. o7
Concur, well put.