Are we starting to see arrests, and the media is struggling not acknowledging it? (The revolution will not be televised)…..
🧐 Research Wanted 🤔
If the plan were to be true and eventually start unfolding in our view-what would the beginning mass arrest stages look like? Would the media that is owned by them be truthful with their reporting?
Would the arrest of the USA defense secretary be announced?
Or would his disappearance be portrayed as something else? Hospitalization perhaps? Suicide perhaps?
The Miami police presence and shut down also scream high profile arrest/search/unrest to me…..
In my opinion, the Q operation will unfold and we will only have suspicions like this until the game is almost over. A good movie always has a twist at the end where you say, I should have seen that coming! (Like the movie The Sixth Sense) jus sayin!
Anons should temper their expectations of obvious vindication and “I told you so” moments, because the revelations might be relatively subtle.
I've been mentally preparing myself for this all to play out perfectly, and then there is no "reveal" at the end. No public acknowledgement of the Plan. That would be excruciating... but at the same time, I'm not here for the "I told you so," I'm here for a better future for everyone.
I have thought about this, but if the public doesn't know what happened would it truly be a great awakening?
And how cold be prevented that this does not repeat in a very short time again???
I.e. Humanity MUST learn from all this? Right?
I meant that the Awakening would happen, everything would be revealed, we get to the other side and life is amazing... but somehow we're still seen as crazy conspiracy theorists for believing that this was orchestrated by a group of people. Without a public confirmation of the Q operation, it's still just a bunch of random numbers to the normies.
I see dead people...for serials
Especially on Twitter/X.
Note that there are parts of the Law of War manual that appear to allow the military to take over the media (or parts of it) for specific purposes.
Also, whitehats may have TOP LEVEL control of 1 or 2 MSM outlets and ALSO are using propaganda for their own purposes per Smith-Mundt Reform Act (July 14, 2013).
I have been unable to discern if media lack of reporting on things behind the scenes is due to direct military orders OR to cover-up of the media complicity in the treason, trafficking, and money laundering.
I am leaning toward the latter. Wondering if media was actually invited to cover suspected tribunals at GITMO, but declined because it would be direct confirmation of them running cover and lying (for years) about the people on trial.
I think only the insiders know the depth of this.
You didn't figure that out?
I guess I’m slow. Kek
No.. I have just read 100's of mystery. Romance, sci fi garbage. One gets good at twists in plots.