Federal early childhood support program says "denial of gender expression" can qualify as child abuse
🧠 These people are stupid!
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Let'sget rid of the Dept. of Ed.
Let's look at our Government. We have extra-Constitutional organizations such as....
A Department of Education that doesn't educate anyone and hinders those who do
A Department of Agriculture that doesn't grow anything and hinders those who do
A Department of Labor that does no work and hinders those who do
A Department of Housing and Urban Development that develops nothing and hinders those who do
A department of Health and Human Services that makes people less healthy and hinders those who do
Maybe there is a pattern here?
In upside-down back-asswards clown world
Nope. Chopping off your (professionally confused) child's sex organs is child abuse.
As opposed to pedophelia? These people are sick.
Removing ALL parental authority.
Of course, then they can remove them from the parents, put them in the foster care system (for which the “system” gets paid for every child taken), place them who knows where (without the parents knowledge) with who knows who (family? Nah, strangers!), make the parents pay to go to the secret child welfare court, have to pay to go to “parenting” classes, have their lives combed thru (do you have any guns in the house?), taking months to years to get their children back (if they actually ever get them back), causing untold trauma to the child…
…all for the “child’s benefit and protection.” 🤬🤬🤬
If u put your kid in the governments care you are a useless piece of shit