Welcome to General Chat - GAW Community Area
This General Chat area started off as a place for people to talk about things that are off topic, however it has quickly evolved into a community and has become an integral part of the GAW experience for many of us.
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Rules for General Chat
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In short, imagine this thread to be a local community hall where we all gather and chat daily. Please be respectful to others in the same way
I lost a friend lately. Not really a big loss. I've known this guy for years, but only through online and a few phone conversations. Jewish-American. When I first met him, he was rather irreligious. Bragged about the chicks he'd slept with in high school and college. The guy had even married a Muslim from Indonesia because she had big tits. A Jew who married a Muslim? Perfect example of someone with a high IQ but is frickin' stupid. He witnessed 9/11 firsthand and saw people falling to their deaths in NYC, but refused to believe it was nothing more than Muslims with box cutters who could suddenly and magically perform expert aerial maneuvers with complex airliners despite not even being able to fly Cessnas. He'd turned back to God a few years ago, but his attitude remains always "F everyone, this world is rotten, I hate everyone, etc." I always tried to impart God's love to this guy, to encourage him to show love even to shitlibs. He's deeply disturbed, mentally unstable. I've tried to show God's love to him.
A Zionist Jewish Christian. I don't think I ever brought up the Khazarian mafia with him, but he's ranted at me about how Khazarians are not from Europe, how that's all a conspiracy theory, etc. This guy has become irate with me since October because I refused to take Israel's side. He even accused me of being "deceived by Islam." I told him that he was being pretty paranoid delusional with his rants. As Jimmy Dore said, "I do not support Hamas. Israel does." This friend of mine would bombard my email box with links to some YouTube channel called Travel Israel, which does Zionist propaganda videos that completely ignore the fact that the Israeli government is corrupt and has been propping up Hamas for a long time. I'd respond with links to the Israeli Times or whatever showing that Netenyahu has been funding Hamas. I doubt he has the intellectual honesty to even click the links I've sent him.
I said that it's apparent that he believes that while every single government in this world is corrupt, somehow he thinks that Israel is not. Mossad is blameless. I told him that I was getting sick of his Jewish supremacist attitude. He responded, "Ask yourself, What did Mossad and Netanyahu have to gain by not acting if they knew Hamas was up to a terrorist attack? What would they accomplish?" Well, plenty. An excuse to just raze Gaza to the ground until the survivors agree to leave and then grab that land, for one thing. He threw the Numbers chapter 24 verse at me, "He who blesses Israel shall be blessed; he who curses Israel shall be cursed." Alright, so I am to "bless" Mossad, which traffics children to elite pedos? It's all or nothing with him. Israel can do no wrong because Islam is evil. Just going on about how God chose "the Jews" and all that. He got angry at me for recommending him visiting a church to seek help.
So, that's it. I'm done. I'd gotten to the point where I was dreading his emails. I'd take a long while before I'd even look at them. He sent me a nasty textwall on the 31st and I waited until yesterday to read it. With his tone, I do hope that he will not bother me again as it's been such a chore to try to help and encourage him. He was even accusing me of being a Leftist somehow. (Like really, WTF?) He's complained about his loneliness that collapses his soul, since he has no friends to talk to. Just me and a Japanese fiancee of his, despite him telling me so often how he dislikes Japanese because he knew some in college who were jerks. And it's always his "I'm so Jewish it hurts" crap. It's sad because it's quite obvious why people do not want to be his friend, with his permanent Ziggy raincloud over his head. At this point, I'll just pray for him. I will not respond as long as he doesn't contact me again. I'm done. There is only so much you can do for some people.
Sometimes you just have to 'shake the dust from your sandals and move on.' And since it was Jesus Himself who gave that directive to the apostles, I remind myself I don't have to feel bad for doing just that.
Thanks for the rant. Sounds like an awful situation to be in... Waiting a couple of weeks to read someone's email because you know it's going to be a shit storm is a horrible feeling.
God bless you, I get your burden and pain. Praying for a peaceful resolution to the emotions you feel. 🙏
Thanks. Just being able to rant here has helped a bit, and getting kind responses from frens like yourself.
Just think of it this way… You’ve done all that you could in the lord and trying to be a friend and loving him. It’s time to move on. He sounds like a narcissist, borderline sociopath. You do not want people like that in your life, and you do not need people like that in your life. He will never admit he’s wrong, and everybody else is the problem. So several ties and move on. Do not under any circumstances have any contact with him unless you feel like he’s going to apologize, ask for forgiveness, and want to mend a relationship that you spent quite a bit of time on. Fun fact; that’s not gonna happen. I’ve had numerous narcissist in my life, they never change. The only person who changed it was me, and I moved on. Rest in the Lord.
Thanks. I appreciate your feedback, as always. He suffers from post-9/11 PTSD. He freaks out in crowds, he freaks out if people touch him. He didn't want to go to a praying church because he said he doesn't want people to lay hands on him and pray for him. There has to be some sort of psychological word for that sort of thing. The first time I ever knew about that condition was from Winona Ryder's character in "A Scanner Darkly" (great movie BTW, and it features Alex Jones to boot). Sociopath describes him. OK, time for DuckDuckGo. Let's see...
Haphephobia (Fear of Being Touched)
Haphephobia is an intense, irrational fear of being touched. It is different from hypersensitivity, which is physical pain associated with being touched. People with haphephobia feel extreme distress over the thought of being touched. This anxiety can lead to physical symptoms like nausea, vomiting or panic attacks.
Yes, that describes him. For a while he went silent due to intense mental illness, divorcing his Muslim wife. He's a scientist and the stupidity of masks and "social distancing" nearly drove him to suicide. At the same time, he's worked on vaccines himself (I've mentioned his knowledge on this forum in the past) and has educated me on the futility of spike proteins in the Covid injections. He's come to the realization that most vaccines are unnecessary, but he still insists that I am a fool for criticizing all vaccines. Well, whatever.
I know he is demonized. He's told me that he has seen shadow people in his home even. His youngest son is demonized too. He's a real mess. I think you are right though. A narcissist.
To be perfectly honest, it sounds like he has autism. That would explain his not wanting to be touched, and his extremes in social situations. Seriously I think he has autism, which could be related to narcissism, because it’s very difficult for somebody who is autistic to think outside of themselves. I’m not saying he’s not a narcissist, I’m just saying, if he is… You should do your best to steer clear from him. Especially if he does not want to accept Jesus Christ has his Lord and Savior, and he is demonized, that’s not something to be messing around with. The best you can do for him, his continue to pray for him at a distance, and ask the Lord to bring him to the end of himself. It’s difficult for people with mental illnesses to come to the end of their selves, because they need to be in control at all times.
YES. Holy crap, YES. Autism. Many of his emails involve entire paragraphs involving repair work necessary on his Jeep (lol). I'd even told him that I don't know shit about crap when it comes to engine repair and that it's a waste of time detailing the process of replacing engine parts to me, yet I still would get textwalls involving that vehicle of his. Furthermore, he has an oversensitivity to the sound of a harmonica. It's like Chewbacca being tortured in Cloud City with him. That's very telling as well. I'll let you know if I ever hear from him again, but he's been silent since the 31st and has not bothered me since then. I'm glad. There were a hundred things I could have responded to in that last email, but you and I know that any time spent responding would be in vain. If he does respond, I will just tell him that I do not have the emotional bandwidth to be his friend. I feel pretty good for now, especially after sharing this experience on here and getting kid feedback from you and others. For now, there's no more "Oh crap, it's him again" moments when I see messages from him in my inbox. I think perhaps if I do get a message from him, I won't respond, especially if it's more confrontation. If it turns into more messages, I'll reply briefly and then block him like BubbleBursts recommended.
I agree with you. This is what we see on the left so often. They mow down any societal boundaries, with constant rhetoric. Thus the Rrrreeeeeee Meme was born.
Unfortunately, this has rolled over to all walks of life. People feel they need to shove everything your face to be heard. It’s just not the case. A true conversation is two people having back-and-forth dialogue.
Agreeing to disagree, is one of the lost forms of communication.
This is how the Awakening will be for some people. They will accept the whole world is corrupt, but the one thing they hold dear to their heart - they refuse to believe that it is also corrupt.
For some its Hollywood. For others its some organised religion. For some its their favorite singer or professor or author. For yet others, it could be something as stupid as McDonalds.
Even in things corrupted by the Cabal, there are always elements that are good. If its hard to let go everything you can still hold on to the good elements in the things you considered were dear to you.
Ultimately, it all has to do with your identity. If you created your identity with a certain thing, its very hard to let it go.
This guy seems to have made Israel as part of his identity when he found his religion again. If watching what unfolded since October does not tell him that atleast both sides are equally bad (if not just one side) there is no saving him.
You might want to just tell him you are done and block him, just for your own peace of mind.
Yeah, he is certainly an identitarian. He went to Germany on business lately and in his email he was complaining about how they are all "Nazis." I told him that it's too offensive to call them Nazis and that he should call them "Eurofags" instead. This went way over his head, as he pretty much has zero sense of humor. He got offended when I said that Ben Shapiro is a faggot for spreading that fake AI image, which he still believes was real. I made it clear that although my ancestry is German, I really was not offended at the term Nazis, but that it is just a stupid and childish thing to say. Especially since Germans today are a bunch of pussies and don't have the guts to be Nazis, not that I respect Nazis or anything. I said that I do not identify as German. I've never been to Germany and couldn't care less. yet he accused me of being "butthurt" over his use of the term "Nazi." Meh.
I'm not going to respond. This is the second time he's gone silent. Before he had given me the silent treatment when I told him when his relationship with his girlfriend was faltering, I said that it's arrogant for him to expect God to bless his relationship while he was already sleeping with her despite not even a proposal commitment. He got pissed off at me for telling him that he needs to fall in line with God's expectations. It seems that this could be the finality. If I do get another message from him, then I will tell him that I'm done with him.
Take it from a person has had to deal with narcissists most of my life. Sever ALL ties. At this point in time he’s sucking you dry of the good energy that you have available to provide to others who deserve it.
he sounds like a mess, lol
You tried..I mean we all tried, even w/ our loved ones. What else can we do? Just be glad he's not a sibling/relative.
I’ve cut ties with many frens because they are still asleep. I’ve started saying after a conversation with them…Ok, go back to sleep…meaning well you get my drift.