Ohio Pastor Charged for Opening Church to Homeless People in Freezing Weather
Cabal people are stupid!
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Evidently the homeless were AMERICANS . Criminal Invaders get put in Hotels , schools etc . It’s tough not to get FKN pissed, most of this “movie “ is more of a horror flick !
Yes. I was thinking the same thing.
Still think its a movie? No- its a war and people running with the whole 'movie' narrative needed 'comfy' words to ease their discomfort. Truth is, The White Hats are not all angels and they have changed the plan, moved goalposts, and are not always in line with the original 'plan'. This is a war between evil Satanic Globalists and Banksters and Capitalists, whom Trump represents- they want to maintain their control and destroy the evil Cabal pushing the end of the current system and the beginning of the NWO. They also, like us, find the Satanic/Elitist Blood Rituals disgusting.
Yet, he still managed to protect a flock from freezing conditions. So fait-accompli.
This is all optics now.
i.e. the church was not 'zoned' Residential. The point of not allowing people to sleep in Commercial properties. Big deal. Note also that
So, the homeless shelter Right next door is zoned residential. Go figure.
Stupid laws like that do not apply, when people need help. IMO.
Great analysis. I know from personal experience when our church took in homeless, fire inspector needs to come out and tell us what we need to do.
The asinine explanation they gave do not make sense.
A good inspector will see the human values, not bureaucratic ones, even as they must insist on safety.
WHITE HATS allowing us to be AWARE that we must reject ALL govt authority that does not serve WE the people. Cant wait for the day when so called codes and laws can be condensed into 10 basic commandments. Not saying no rules BUT they should advance the sentiment of the former. And allowing people to freeze in the cold is beyond me.
Yeah. I agree. It's a *f movie.
I am so fucking sick of these assholes making up "laws" to take away our rights as children of God and to tax us more and more by charging us with offenses of said laws.
zoning code violation: "could no longer house the homeless because it lacks bedrooms".
so let them freeze
This man should be lauded. What is being done to him is more than a disgrace.
Who is pushing these charges? If that person's name was out in the open so voters can react. Hiding behind 'zoning commission', put it out specifically who.
Please take a look at this. There's enough names there, but I am seeing there might be a major problem with the way the pastor is handling this also.
Yes, human lives are valuable and we need to do what what we can.
Noncompliant "Sovereignty Hierarchy"
Something something about Creator greater than the creation.
Oh. Thanks for this documentary. I will definitely go watch.
"Unhoused people"??? So tired of word salad bull shit because calling something bad by a nicer name makes their fefe's feel better. Those people are "homeless" and need help.
Yeah. Just trying to not be brutal with words. tell the truth.
Bryan, Ohio Press Release Concerning Dad's Place
Thank you. This gives it a lot more info about the problems there. I appreciate.
This is taken from A Dog.