"Alright, Trump is going to be the GOP nominee.
The question now is, what do the Dems do?
Do they stick with Biden, or wheel out a new candidate like Newsome or Michelle?
Do they release another virus to use mail-in voting again?
Do they start WW3?
They have to do something."
🤡 Clown World Collapse 🌎
How do the Ds swap candidates when the deadlines have passed in the states to be in the primary?
Laws only apply to one side.
At the DNC convention, they will toss Harris and bring in Big Mike for the VP slot.
Biden/Obama will be the Dem ticket.
The primary votes count when the delegates get to the Dem party convention.
The Democrat Party changed their convention rules in 2020, which may come back to bite them. Super-delegates make up 16% of the vote, but will no longer vote on the first ballot at the convention unless there is no doubt about the outcome.
There are 3,979 total pledged delegates. To win the Democrat nomination, a candidate has to get 1,991 delegate votes. If Biden wins that many on the first vote, and he probably will... then he's the party nominee by their own rules.
The Super-delegates (party faithful scum) won't get a vote in the matter.
Then it's a matter of allowing brain-dead Biden to run his campaign into the ground so that NOBODY wants to vote for him.
Apparently the courts have ruled that political parties are private corporations and can do whatever they wish with their rules to operate their organization. A couple weeks back, someone pointed out that if a Dem candidate wins the Dem primary and subsequently backs out, then the Dem party can appoint a replacement of the Dem party committee's choosing. So, if Biden wins, then steps out just before election, they can shoe in Newsom or Michelle. That's my understanding anyways. They used similar internal corruption to kill Bernie using super delegates. They can't allow an usurper like RFK to win, or the optics of the last second change are bad. So they'll use superdelegates to get Biden a guaranteed primary win, then do their swap.
Primary means nothing. They will hype "too old" to dizzying heights. So when they get rid of China Joe the election issue is not the failed Democrat policies, but "look how old Trump is"
... and the law only applies to one side as we all know.
They're REALLY hoping Nikki goes a little farther 🤣