If a doctor, a family member or a neighbor wants to apologize for how they acted regarding the "vax"... accept it. They were brainwashed. We need to encourage people to wake up and admit their mistakes.
🧘Mental/Physical Health 🏋🏼♂️

It's just not a hard concept to not force your will on other people. It's even easier not to threaten other people when they don't follow your will. These people did both, and wanted me jailed and dead.
The information was available for me and them. ITS CALLED CHOICES AND PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY. They chose not to research. They chose to listen to a narrow view point. They chose to discriminate. They chose to fire people, deject people from society. They chose to call for them to be jailed.
Fuck these people.
Maybe one day I might find some forgiveness for these people. But even if I do I WILL NEVER FORGET WHAT THESE BRAINDEAD DUMB FUCKS TRIED TO DO TO ME
This right here brother. I got banned from places in my own hometown cause I didn’t take the bullshit vaccine. Fuck these people to hell and back. And these stupid fucks drive Tesla’s and wonder why Puget Sound Energy wants us to conserve energy all of a sudden. I refuse to help any tech worker, shit lib or Tesla driver for these reasons. These idiots are trying to send us on a highway to hell.