This is the deadliest drug ever in the history of medicine.
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Not sure about that. Soviets lost 20+ million people in WW2. Americans lost 400k soldiers.
France England & Germany lost millions in WW1. Americans? Not so much.
Not much of a genocide in either case.
Now if you replace Americans with Europeans/Whites, then yes. That was the goal, among other things.
Sure about that? Take a look back at all the combat missions our soldiers (all colors) were sent on completely naive to the fact that it was a suicide mission with no rescue backup. Now tell me it wasn’t genocide.
One clarification, I had meant to say “attempted” targeted genocide and population control. I don’t think they accomplished all they wanted.
As far as Russia, I always wondered about that 20 million number. How did they lose so many and still have a country? How many people did they have before? How many men aged 16-52? How many men under 16? Russia’s population now is only 146 million.
We know these people lie to us about numbers.
How many of the people we didn’t lose were new immigrants?
Remember, they were able to draft men from anywhere they wanted. Right after WWII, every major American city went blue and hasn’t ever turned back. Is that natural or because they got rid of all the people who had been in their way? Did they use the effort to begin their takeover of farmlands? What were their primary objectives?
And one question that would blow my mind if it turned out to be true - did FDR actually not suck and just have to make some truly bizarre compromises that weren’t good in the long term but actually were necessary in the short term to keep us afloat?
They accomplished a lot with those wars, and more. Think of all the children that were never born due to fathers dying in war. They elinited many hundreds of millons maybe billions down through time.