Well, it is rather risky removing razor-wire unless one has some serious equipment and safety-gear. It is meant to be awkward to remove, BTW. Even cutting it - as MSM tries to picture someone with a pair of garden secateurs, gently cutting one strand - is risky, as the steel sproings about.
I remember as a kid I tried to straighten some chain-link fence that was rolled up somewhere, I did not even try to cut anything, and had to have stitches, when one section bounced back and hit me in the leg.
So I imagine there is a Health and Safety matter that was discussed.
I remember the first time I ever saw razor wire. I was going to the maximum security prison in Illinois with my dad for a lifer picnic. He was the chaplain of the prison. He pointed it out as we drove in and said, "that will tear your ass up".
Amber...What a beautiful story about you're dad...I used to be an alter boy (Catholic Church) and had to get up at 4:30 am on Sunday Morning to go to the Tuberculosis Hospital for Mass at the chapel...Mannnnny A MORNING...you could hear the wind whistle through the slat boards (TEXAS) and hands would be frozen...WOWZA!!!!
This is a trap, set to ensnare Mayorkissmyass. He is painted up a corner and is being forced to make a checkmate move, They have no brakes so he will make a Treasonous mistake, resulting in another piece being taken off the board.
Well, it is rather risky removing razor-wire unless one has some serious equipment and safety-gear. It is meant to be awkward to remove, BTW. Even cutting it - as MSM tries to picture someone with a pair of garden secateurs, gently cutting one strand - is risky, as the steel sproings about.
I remember as a kid I tried to straighten some chain-link fence that was rolled up somewhere, I did not even try to cut anything, and had to have stitches, when one section bounced back and hit me in the leg.
So I imagine there is a Health and Safety matter that was discussed.
I remember the first time I ever saw razor wire. I was going to the maximum security prison in Illinois with my dad for a lifer picnic. He was the chaplain of the prison. He pointed it out as we drove in and said, "that will tear your ass up".
Your preacher dad had a potty mouth! LOL Just giving you a jab. I found it ironic.
His daughter's is even worse.
That just means he is real with God and not some fake pious pretender v
false, that makes literally no sense. I promise you the disciples and saints spoke clean at all times.
Oh my!
Amber...What a beautiful story about you're dad...I used to be an alter boy (Catholic Church) and had to get up at 4:30 am on Sunday Morning to go to the Tuberculosis Hospital for Mass at the chapel...Mannnnny A MORNING...you could hear the wind whistle through the slat boards (TEXAS) and hands would be frozen...WOWZA!!!!
Again...Tango Yankee for that memory!!!!
This is a trap, set to ensnare Mayorkissmyass. He is painted up a corner and is being forced to make a checkmate move, They have no brakes so he will make a Treasonous mistake, resulting in another piece being taken off the board.
It is a steel wire trap. Very nice, fren.
Arrest anyone who is caught cutting the fence and put them in jail for treason. Problem fixed by the time you had 5 or 6 behind bars.