You make the spike proteins after an mRNA jab because YOUR OWN DNA now contains instructions for doing so. (Or not; you can find both claims supported with a little research -- but since the spike protein shows up for at least six months in a jabbed person's blood, SOMETHING seems to keep the supply coming, so I'll assume "changed DNA" is in play).
Various supplements, drugs, and actions can apparently mute or disable or eliminate the spike protein particles that are produced, but unless or until a way is found to either change one's DNA back to normal (or at least to remove the bad instructions) or to, epigenitcally, silence the spike-making gene(s), you'll keep making spike protein forever.
Yup - people are a bit confused. The mRNA injections permanently modify people's DNA so that their own cells are programmed to produce the spike protein (assuming a person got one of the fully functional injections).
NOTHING can stop that - so blaming IVM for not fixing it is stupid. IVM does help get rid of the spike proteins... but it cannot stop your own body from making more spike protein if it has been reprogrammed to do so.
By the way... those spike proteins being produced all the time will eventually be fatal. The only question is when.
Most of my family are jabbed. A sibling died suddenly and unexpectedly, and a schoolmate died with the Remdesivir treatment protocols probably jabbed too - didn’t inquire anymore (mute point)😭😢🥲
After injection with the v@x, you are now a spike-producing-factory. You can't turn it off... You can only silence it, deflect it, try to minimize its impacts. People with these "spike problems" will likely have them for the rest of their lives... unless of course, the damage can be undone by re-programming your DNA again...
n=1 and a lot of information missing. Summary is basically:
"someone had 'long covid', took ivermectin, got better, then got worse"
It's not zero information, and it's not useless to consider, but it's very close to being a worthless example.
The long COVID and vaxx detox scenarios are completely different than the prophylaxis case. Everything needs to be re-evaluated and I suspect each patient will need individual treatment based on:
When they had COVID
What variant(s) of COVID they had
When they were vaccinated.
What vaccine product(s) they had.
How their body has been damaged.
So rather than make a general conclusion that "IVM is dangerous for spike detox", we should be concluding that the long covid & vaxx injured need to be documented in extreme detail and probably can't just hit it with the horse paste like we did in the prophylaxis days.
You make the spike proteins after an mRNA jab because YOUR OWN DNA now contains instructions for doing so. (Or not; you can find both claims supported with a little research -- but since the spike protein shows up for at least six months in a jabbed person's blood, SOMETHING seems to keep the supply coming, so I'll assume "changed DNA" is in play).
Various supplements, drugs, and actions can apparently mute or disable or eliminate the spike protein particles that are produced, but unless or until a way is found to either change one's DNA back to normal (or at least to remove the bad instructions) or to, epigenitcally, silence the spike-making gene(s), you'll keep making spike protein forever.
Yup - people are a bit confused. The mRNA injections permanently modify people's DNA so that their own cells are programmed to produce the spike protein (assuming a person got one of the fully functional injections).
NOTHING can stop that - so blaming IVM for not fixing it is stupid. IVM does help get rid of the spike proteins... but it cannot stop your own body from making more spike protein if it has been reprogrammed to do so.
By the way... those spike proteins being produced all the time will eventually be fatal. The only question is when.
Majestic Messages of Disclosure
Yes, technology exists to correct the damages caused by vaccines, however some of the technology is a long way from ever being mainstream
So for all intents and purposes for the regular person it doesn't exist.
Most of my family are jabbed. A sibling died suddenly and unexpectedly, and a schoolmate died with the Remdesivir treatment protocols probably jabbed too - didn’t inquire anymore (mute point)😭😢🥲
Direct link to source video.
After injection with the v@x, you are now a spike-producing-factory. You can't turn it off... You can only silence it, deflect it, try to minimize its impacts. People with these "spike problems" will likely have them for the rest of their lives... unless of course, the damage can be undone by re-programming your DNA again...
I can imagine Bill Gates tapping his fingers muttering "we will give them more mRNA's my precious, muhahaha"
Pharmacological Activities of Soursop (Annona muricata Lin.)
See 5.7.Antiviral
Ivermectin does parasites. NAC for spike protein prevention Nattokinaise for removal and repair
Sounds like disinformation to me.
n=1 and a lot of information missing. Summary is basically:
"someone had 'long covid', took ivermectin, got better, then got worse"
It's not zero information, and it's not useless to consider, but it's very close to being a worthless example.
The long COVID and vaxx detox scenarios are completely different than the prophylaxis case. Everything needs to be re-evaluated and I suspect each patient will need individual treatment based on:
When they had COVID
What variant(s) of COVID they had
When they were vaccinated.
What vaccine product(s) they had.
How their body has been damaged.
So rather than make a general conclusion that "IVM is dangerous for spike detox", we should be concluding that the long covid & vaxx injured need to be documented in extreme detail and probably can't just hit it with the horse paste like we did in the prophylaxis days.