"This man claims he is the “Commander of National Network of Militias” aka “Mohns Militia” and he’s calling for the the Assassination of Federal Employees.
He is allegedly now in custody and the body of his father was reportedly located…
Yes, it's the duty of the feds or the state to keep militias always ready and prepared to be called up. Both fed and states have been derelict in this duty, among so many others.
Won't matter if the burpin starts...all the bs laws, ordinances and horseshit will go right out the window and voting will be conducted at the end of a scoped piece of furniture.
Reminds me of the revolutionary war..."Oh you can't do that...It's against BRITISH LAW!!!" Oh No! Not THAT!!!
"This man claims he is the “Commander of National Network of Militias” aka “Mohns Militia” and he’s calling for the the Assassination of Federal Employees.
He is allegedly now in custody and the body of his father was reportedly located…
This is VERY SUSPICIOUS timing as Congress is trying to push Senate Bill 3589 - the anti-militia bill https://www.congress.gov/118/bills/s3589/BILLS-118s3589is.pdf
The video first appeared on YouTube and is still up after several Hours of being flagged.
They WANT this out…. They are going to use this…"
Does the “Commander of National Network of Militias” look like FBI Academy students?
Im sure it looks exactly like an MKUltra mind control slave.
Probably triggered by Kathy griffin being in the news a few days ago
It was also reported that he has a history of mental issues.
...no 2nd Amendment, which PRESCRIBES militias. This bill is DOA.
They aren't getting what they want
Hence whining, temper tantrums, dangerous outbursts, unpredictable and unhinged radical violence
Typical left-wing stuff...they're crybabies
Yes, it's the duty of the feds or the state to keep militias always ready and prepared to be called up. Both fed and states have been derelict in this duty, among so many others.
Won't matter if the burpin starts...all the bs laws, ordinances and horseshit will go right out the window and voting will be conducted at the end of a scoped piece of furniture.
Reminds me of the revolutionary war..."Oh you can't do that...It's against BRITISH LAW!!!" Oh No! Not THAT!!!