posted ago by changeagent ago by changeagent +44 / -0

Check out this article. Please read it. It's about a girlfriend led astray by her Q-conspiracy BF.


I think it's 100 percent fabricated (my opinion). But it's based on some truth I would guess. There are normies who are fearful, and they take 2-dimensional action on information they learn from people like us.

The bottom line is that too many people probably read this sort of article (my opinion) and back off of their own awakening. It is an expertly crafted piece to achieve that effect.

How do we fight back? Discussion requested.

My opinion is that we should be telling normies that they will be seeing hit pieces about "conspiracy theories" and the most powerful thing we can offer is history and truth... and an invitation to do your own research.

We should provide links to story threads that demonstrate the tactics of the evil side and encourage them to form their own opinion... and THAT is the difference.

I know we do that, to a certain extent. Among us it is common knowledge. But we need to start emphasizing this principle, in my opinion.