I am very confused by some of Q's fore knowledge of events of the Russia\Ukraine War. Of course, there are many events where Q has proved he knows what events will happen in the future, and makes posts exactly on the delta date of the event.
Q stated riots planned across the country exactly a few years before the BLM riots. He used the word Afghanistan, on the delta (3 years before?) the US chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan. He seemed to know the exact number of votes required to get McCarthy as Speaker, on the delta of finally winning the vote.
I get it that many of these events are just a show. Q said himself that he knows the future via "control."
What about the Ukraine and Russia war though? There are very small signs that Putin is aware of the Q plan and is playing along with it (like placing his watch on the table next to a pen. Like Putin having an interview with Tucker on the exact delta of the Q post saying "Russia, Russia, Russia. What happens with the media loses control of the truth?"
We all know by now, there are no coincidences. These were not lucky guesses are they?
This war is something that is not simply just a show of actors is it? Literally hundreds of thousands of Russian and Ukrainian soldiers have been dying in this horrible war. If the "White Hats" is allowing these people to die just to continue a show, they really don't seem like White Hats to me.
There are numerous obscure channels on YouTube and Telegram that regularly play endless videos of slaughter and warfare daily. Even with AI, I don't think it would be possible to create such fake content. There have been many eye witness reports from Russians and Ukrainian people that have lost loved ones. It is impossible for me to believe this is a show.
So, how then does it seem that Q war aware of how the Ukraine Russian War might be at this point of time? Maybe he really does have a science fiction computer "Project Looking Glass" that can see into the future.
What are your thoughts on this?
I firmly believe the precipice event to be nukes in the air. I can't think of another event that would be more of a precipice...
Thankfully, we have some pretty cool technology to keep them from hitting their targets...
I would not be surprised if a nuke hits its target. We have to be scared. Genuinely, truly, absolutely afraid. We have to believe it completely. We have to need to make the necessary changes.
I have so many conversations with people who talk about how we shouldn't completely dismantle our system. How there are so many important parts to it that keep people working, and making money, and paying their bills, keeping their homes, etc. They believe there are so many pieces, if we throw it out, we won't survive.
But the system as it exists is a complete fraud. The whole entire world, our entire way of life, everything we think about "how a government should be," or an economy, or education, etc. every single concept we have about those things comes from the Cabal. This goes way back. Our Constitution, for example, ensures our slavery to their Sovereignty.
We have to see all these things in order to be willing to change them. We have to see it in a way that everyone sees it at the same time, so that we don't want to fight each other, rather we want to make the necessary changes, speaking as one unified voice on the need to change.
The more I think about it, the more I think it's going to be a really tough precipice. I don't see how it could be any other way. The fraud is too big, the Illusion too complete. It goes back to the very beginning of history. We can't just "go back to the Constitution." We have to be willing to completely start anew, without wanting to kill each other. It's gonna be a tough sell, which is why it has to be rough.
We have to be willing to give up our excesses and comforts that are causing the worst problems. No more internet, no more TV, no more credit cards, no more stock market, no more Tylenol or ibuprofen, no more electricity. We need to live as we were originally created to be and things won't change until people learn to accept that.
While I think a "back to basics" approach has great merit, and I myself am working towards that for my own life (if perhaps a little less extreme than you suggest), I don't think we need to throw the baby out with the bathwater. We don't need to throw out all knowledge. I think we just need to recognize the fuckery injected into our "truths." We've been placed in carefully crafted boxes. All the different boxes, that act in opposition, get their beliefs from the same source. We need to see that.
Our problems are not what we've learned, but what's been left out of that learning. We all exist in a bunch of different carefully crafted boxes of beliefs. Each of those boxes receives it's own specialized training that leads to our insistence that "we know the truth," even though all of those boxes of truth differ substantially.
Currently in our society the Science Box holds dominance. We need to see the flaws in that approach. We need to understand who created that box, and the fuckery they put in it to mislead. Like all other boxes, there are useful tools in the Science Box. We need to understand the difference between "useful tools" and "truth." In addition, all the boxes need to appreciate the useful tools in the other boxes. I think there needs to be a paradigm shift in our approach to knowledge and discerning truth. I do not think we need to reject the fruits of our labors entirely.
Most importantly I think, there needs to be an appreciation for the Ultimate Authority of the Individual, and what their Jurisdiction is. That understanding is something we have completely lost in our learning. While it persists intuitively. Our training subverts that intuition. That is I think the greatest fuckery. It is this lack of appreciation of our own Sovereignty over our own Domain, and what that Domain is, that prevents us from appreciating and respecting both ourselves and others. We are trained constantly to think of "the collective" over the individual. This training is what holds us in slavery, even more than the economic fuckery. Once we see that fuckery, I think everything else will take care of itself. No Luddite World required.
What do you suggest?