Rainbow colored disinformation triangle-chart of the sort favored by children, faggots and left wingers, full of propaganda. "Dangerous to yourself and others" if you recognize that the sun is what warms the earth? Or that thousands of doctors agree ivermectin cures COVID? Pure batshit bonkers propaganda.
In their fantasy world, Ivermectin curing COVID isn't true, and so believing it could actually be construed as dangerous. Same regarding "muh climate change".
The real question is how me believing in ancient giant trees is dangerous to me and others.
Rainbow colored disinformation triangle-chart of the sort favored by children, faggots and left wingers, full of propaganda. "Dangerous to yourself and others" if you recognize that the sun is what warms the earth? Or that thousands of doctors agree ivermectin cures COVID? Pure batshit bonkers propaganda.
You realize that “6,000,000 suffering jews” had been a well eatablished figure of speech for many years before WW2 happened, right?
Its a completely made up number, with no basis in reality.
Even if only a few hundred thousand were killed, that's still a holocaust though.
atroctiy propaganda
In their fantasy world, Ivermectin curing COVID isn't true, and so believing it could actually be construed as dangerous. Same regarding "muh climate change".
The real question is how me believing in ancient giant trees is dangerous to me and others.