The longer they have to keep the Climate Change Hoax going, it becomes exponentially more expensive in both time, effort and money. The Globalist agenda appears to be running out of steam, as JP Morgan and BlackRock just announced the are now pulling out of the UN climate Alliance.
🏆 - WINNING - 🏆
Seize all their f*ing assets
They're only backing out to avoid anit trust suits here in the U.S. but all 3 firms will continue to invest in the "sustainable" energy sector and continue scaling back their investments in the oil industry. So, not much of a win here, more like a circling of the wagons to avoid legal pressure
Good news: the oil industry doesn't require investments from anyone to sustain itself and grow as needed.
Correct. I'm just waiting for the supposed disclosure of free energy tech that's being hidden from us to be exposed so we can get past this mess. Carbon based fuels like petrol, solid rocket fuel, etc won't do much for us if we expect to leave this planet and explore outside our solar system. And, I'm tired of these oil companies continuing to post record profits yr/yr while continuing to raise consumer prices.
There's a reason oil is called black gold and black diamonds. It's a relatively common substance who's price is driven by its many uses and false reports of scarcity.
Oil is a global commodity. The price isn't set by the producers, its set by the commodity trading market itself. Producers can influence the price slightly by increasing or decreasing production but this can be completely offset by other producers doing the opposite.
The left is good at:
Creates some imaginary fearful problems, then keeps trying to solve the imaginary problems… and repeatedly
Their solutions inevitably involve more power being given to authority figures and the continuation of the problem they claimed to have solved.
Exactly that’s the main goal: rule the world
The White Hats are in CONTROL. This is proof. The gig is up so to speak.
So much winning, feels good.
Blackrock, eh?
Flashback from 2020-
Archived link - https://archive.ph/MUHYh
Praying for the climate change narrative to collapse, this is encouraging.
Hate to say it, but SD governor Noem is just as bad as any blue state gov in this taxpayer money grab. CO pipeline is her cash cow, another climate change hoax funded by Blackrock. She is in deep with them, and is allowing them to take what they want from landowners and taxpayers. They were temporarily stopped, not by her, in the state. But now they are trying to change state laws to take powers away from the counties and townships to give the state more power to allow these companies to come in. At least with a blue politician, they tell you what they are. She is NOT a true conservative, she hides behind her fake facade. She takes credit for things she didn’t do, ex. keep state open during c19, and blames others for her failures. Before anyone pushes her for VP, really look into her. She does not have the peoples best interest in mind.
The only thing they care more about than control is profit. It's so much easier to get and keep the former when you have the latter. While the reverse is also true (one can acquire control first and profit later, such as running one's own business) , their love of money and control is larger than their love over life, humanity, family and things greater than themselves (god, universe, etc). It causes their worldview and therefore their actions to skew. And it shows. Bigly.
who actually owns Blackrock?
On a related note, the entire EV market is collapsing. What was once a market full of year+ waiting lists, is now crushing excess inventory.
Rivman loses $30,000 per truck sold on labor and material alone. You have to add on factory, administrative, and corporate overhead on top of that yet.
Car rental companies are selling off their EV fleets and canceling contracts for future purchases.
Volvo has backed out of Polestar.
Ford, GM, Toyota, and others have all pulled back significantly on EV production and forecasts.
Tesla keeps lowering their prices to keep sales up. As the ONLY profitable EV manufacture, they will soon have to choose between losing money in each sale or accept slowing sales.
EV charging stations lose money massively even as their prices creep up to more than gas equivalent prices.
Insurance costs are through the roof, as any minor damage to the battery, such as running over minor road debris, totals the car. Or worse, if they happen to catch fire, they not only are guaranteed to be a complete loss, but they will take out anything near by.
Li-ion battery powered cars was always going to be a failure.
Tesla makes most of its money off of bogus, inflated carbon "offsets". Not a sustainable manufacturing business.
Madening ! Humans exhale carbon dioxide, plants breathe carbon dioxide and exhale oxygen. Its that simple. The schools don't have teachers, they are programmers and brainwashers. The MSM conitnues the fraud, and here we are eating popcorn and watching cra cra people as minion Bill Gates lobbies to cut down and bury trees and build carbon dioxide scrubbers, essentially imploding the ecosystem. Lets not forget the first strike here. . . chem trails, now worse than ever.
An asteroid wiped out the dinosaurs and we are next if we cant stop it. Even if the only technology we can create to avoid it leaves humanity living under domes because we cannot breathe the air so be it at least we have the ground beneath our feet. Humanity must live on.
I say let it burn. What rises from the ashes will have no use for politics, money, or tyranny.