DEVELOPING: France has passed a new law which will send you to jail for 3 years if you criticize mRNA ‘vaccines’ or ‘gene therapy’
According to the law, which was passed quietly and secretly through the French parliament on Wednesday, advisement against mRNA or other treatments which are deemed ‘suitable’ based on current ‘medical knowledge’ can lead to a 3 year prison sentence and up to a $48,400 fine.
Article 4 of the new law, or Article Pfizer as it’s being referred to by freedom fighters in the legislature, is a prejudgment of “alternative medicine” and a threat to whistleblowers.
Ominously, during what little debate was fielded before the passage of this fascist law that eliminates informed consent, warnings were parroted that “the next pandemic is coming” and mRNA technology is the only solution.
What are they planning for the world?
4:28 AM · Feb 15, 2024
Well, I do very well not using bad language, buuttt, Fuck france
All they should talk about is how bad the mrna is. Cant jail everyone, then the government put you into a strike that would warrant revolution, preferably non-violent (;D for the mods clarification)
I'd say they need a second one if you ask me...looks like the farmers are trying but its gonna take a lot more than that.
So they've effectively made informed consent illegal?
Hey France -- you are propagating the greatest hoax ever perpentrated against mankind. You are as guilty as the evil, soulless fools who orchestrated it.
Come GET me you limp-wristed dorks! Stupid IS as stupid DOES -- and you do STUPID extremely well.
Can you imagine your cell mates discussing what they’re in for? Murder, rape, theft, ummm criticizing the mRNA vaxx…. The prisoners huddle in horror!
how do normies digest this and think this is fine?
People who think this is fine are not normal. They are people using tyranny to insulate their delusions.
Hey France!
MRNA Sucks!
le vaccin covid tue des gens. venez me chercher, espèce de chattes françaises mondialistes !