Harris, on X:
Today in Munich, following the news that Aleksey Navalny has died in Russia, I expressed my deep sorrow and outrage to his wife, Yulia. My prayers are with her and his entire family.
Sure. Sure. Only hours after the news that Navalny died (in prison, where he was no threat to Putin. He was in prison for sedition, not for "opposing Putin", as the Globalist propaganda machine wants to spin it), here is wife is already all dolled up and doing an interview with Kamala Harris.
Show do you spell "SET UP"?
Let's look at the trasnparent timeline:
Tucker, who clearly is NOT under DS control, announces an interview with Putin.
Tucker tapes interview, allowing Putin to talk at length, smashing the propaganda picture of Putin as Lunatic madman determined to rule the world.
DS panics, creates the Russian Nukes From Space narrative. It falls flat, so quickly...
Navalny, someone who has been found to be colluding (or potentially colluding) with M6 intel agents to overthrow Putin, conveniently "dies' in jail.
When do the Navalny didn't kill himself memes begin? And where was Hillary when this went down?
Orange man bad. Russian man badder.
Harris types her own tweets, or X's, in the same way that Biden wipes his own shitty pedo ass.
Only thing I need next is a video showing the CIA agents killing Navalny for "not delivering" the goods.
My guess is that Navalny was executed. That tends to happen when you turn against your country.
My guess would be that the Deep State decided to terminate him, at a time when they need narrative attacks on Putin. aka Now.
Yeah, but what purpose does that serve at this moment in time?
After the Tucker interview, a whole bunch of things to reaffirm that Putin is a crazy dictator have happened. Ukrainen aid shot down? Russian space nukes. Putin coming off as magnanimous? Navalny dies. I don't doubt that Putin has people killed. But he seems extremely methodical in all aspects, and this doesn't seem to help the image he was trying to create in that interview.
What's concerning is the number of people with some kind of tie to British intelligence Navalny surrounded himself with. Was Navalny then an unwitting MI6 asset? And his final use was to die a political martyr right before the Munich Security Council?
Is Kamala about to get up on stage and say some things to try and provoke Putin? Is WW3 going to start over Navalny? I guess we'll have to wait and see.
WW3 isn't going to start of Navalny or anyone.
However, with regards to British Intelligence, 'asset' might not exactly describe him, but he very likely was in cahoots with them.
Which proves biden killed him. This is so clear once you wake up. You have to be some kind of stupid to believe these narratives. Why would putin kill a man that no one knew existed. He wouldn't. see eye aye had no more use for this man. I am sure they paid off his wife handsomly. They also kill Gonzalo Lira.
I don't think it proves 'Biden' killed him. Do you seriously think that Biden is in control or the mastermind of what is going on? At the best, he is a puppet (and who knows which side he is currently controlled by?)
But along with everything else, it's more reasonable to conclude that the Cabal DS or a faction thereof had the man killed than it is to believe that somehow Putin was responsible.
We don't really need to 'prove' things. We cannot actually prove, with what we know, that the Clowns or their masters had the man killed. All of the evidence is circumstantial.
However, all we need to do is figure out which is or are the most reasonable explanations, which explanation of the situation fits best given all the facts.
And, there is another point here to be cognizant of: we need to distinguish between the ACTUAL and the NARRATIVE. We only know about this guy because of media outlets, govt organs, etc. Can we verify, directly, ourselves?
Not unless you live over there and can go visit where he is reported to have been and ask the guards, ask around, etc. Personally. But we cannot, so we have to recognize that for all we know, the man may have been killed or died a different time, and the story now released. Or he may have been removed, and the story released.
What we CAN know is that there is narrative warfare going on, and a lot, if not the vast majority of evidence, points to the DS organs attempting to block the affects of the Tucker Putin interview, and to wage narrative war that upholds their agenda that Putin is Evil, Ukraine must be protected, etc, etc, etc.
I agree with your points. Saying "biden' did it is out of laziness so I don't have to say that obama or sullivan, blinken, rice or nuland did it. everyone knows he doesn't decide even what to eat. My point is that the one person who would have no reason to do it is putin. Just like he would have been the last person to destroy nordstream.