This is going to be the unseen long term effect of all of this. 17 million adult deaths. But how many unborn deaths? How many people have been disabled for life? How many people have compromised immune systems? How many babies have died? How many people are now infertile?
And for my situation, how much more of this information needs to come to light before the fucking mandates for green card applicants are dropped?
how much more of this information needs to come to light before the fucking mandates for green card applicants are dropped?
OK. I have seen you post this MANY times on this forum, but I have never seen you spell out what the situation is. Maybe you have, and I missed it (entirely possible). So, let me ask ...
(1) Are YOU a US citizen?
(2) Is your wife/fiance/whomever a citizen of another country?
(3) Which country?
(4) You know that there is no RIGHT for anyone who is not a US citizen to be allowed to enter the USA. You know that, right?
I don't like the vaxx bullshit in any form, anymore than you do.
But ...
I also don't like people whining and demanding that foreigners be allowed in -- even legally.
Some people I know hate "Immigrants" so much that if they had their way they would restrict everyone on earth to living within a 25-mile radius of wherever they happened to be born. They really think it's "wrong" to go live somewhere else. Be realistic.
I also don't like people whining and demanding that foreigners be allowed in -- even legally.
That's part of the problem. The left thinks everyone should be jabbed, and the right is tired of too much immigration. My wife already has a green card, my two kids are US citizens by birth. The CDC is requiring the jab to get an immigration visa which is blocking us from moving back to the states.
I wish people could put the immigration part aside and agree that the US government forcing anyone to take poison is fucked up. I don't feel especially proud of my country committing human rights abuse.
I've thought from day one that the de pop agenda with the vax wasn't straight death ( even though that's happening ) but targeted the reproduction areas of the body.
I saw a report from Germany ( on IG ) that an OBGYN was seeing a lot of miscarriages in UNvaxxed women. He tested their uteruses and found they were full of spike protein. He then tested the husbands and it turns out the semen sacs are spike protein factories.
I saw this a few months ago, so I'm sure it's already known news
Just to add to this; I'm sure you will all remember way back when the trials data came out and there was a specific section about males to not ejaculate into anyone for like 2 months
And thus another part of the long term plan to depopulation becomes apparent.
This is going to be the unseen long term effect of all of this. 17 million adult deaths. But how many unborn deaths? How many people have been disabled for life? How many people have compromised immune systems? How many babies have died? How many people are now infertile?
And for my situation, how much more of this information needs to come to light before the fucking mandates for green card applicants are dropped?
OK. I have seen you post this MANY times on this forum, but I have never seen you spell out what the situation is. Maybe you have, and I missed it (entirely possible). So, let me ask ...
(1) Are YOU a US citizen?
(2) Is your wife/fiance/whomever a citizen of another country?
(3) Which country?
(4) You know that there is no RIGHT for anyone who is not a US citizen to be allowed to enter the USA. You know that, right?
I don't like the vaxx bullshit in any form, anymore than you do.
But ...
I also don't like people whining and demanding that foreigners be allowed in -- even legally.
So, what is your situation?
Some people I know hate "Immigrants" so much that if they had their way they would restrict everyone on earth to living within a 25-mile radius of wherever they happened to be born. They really think it's "wrong" to go live somewhere else. Be realistic.
I'm sure your house is open to any random third worlder to come and live with you, eat your food, take from your wallet, and do whatever they want.
Is this thing on?
Bodily integrity is a right.
Entering the country is a privilege.
The government cannot exchange rights as a condition for granting services of the states.
This is like saying you can only get a tax return or apply for social security benefits if you cut your dick off.
Sure, my long retarded story is here:
That's part of the problem. The left thinks everyone should be jabbed, and the right is tired of too much immigration. My wife already has a green card, my two kids are US citizens by birth. The CDC is requiring the jab to get an immigration visa which is blocking us from moving back to the states.
I wish people could put the immigration part aside and agree that the US government forcing anyone to take poison is fucked up. I don't feel especially proud of my country committing human rights abuse.
Neither in your long, retarded story, nor in your reply did I see you state which country your wife lives in.
You COULD go live in her country, you know.
I don't like the vaxx at all -- not the mandate, not the Robert Malone bullshit mRNA invention, not the failure to disclose ingredients -- NONE of it.
BUT ...
Foreigners do NOT have a RIGHT to enter the USA.
You also don't have a RIGHT to enter her country, but you would most likely be able to do so.
But you don't want that option.
You want to bring the foreigner here.
Which is why I asked you ... WHICH country is she from?
A third world shithole?
Or a first world nation?
Americans need to start pushing back on the HARM that the change in immigration policy has done since the 1960's.
I've thought from day one that the de pop agenda with the vax wasn't straight death ( even though that's happening ) but targeted the reproduction areas of the body.
I saw a report from Germany ( on IG ) that an OBGYN was seeing a lot of miscarriages in UNvaxxed women. He tested their uteruses and found they were full of spike protein. He then tested the husbands and it turns out the semen sacs are spike protein factories.
I saw this a few months ago, so I'm sure it's already known news
we'll be there to fill the demand for unvaxxed sperm. Not all heros wear capes, but I do.
Just to add to this; I'm sure you will all remember way back when the trials data came out and there was a specific section about males to not ejaculate into anyone for like 2 months
never saw that one. Not saying you are wrong. That would be insane text to read.
Did my part - 2 unvaxxed sons. Learned my lesson late- so they have the normal childhood vaxes minus flu.