WW1, they were all waiting for the US to enter it. Still not sure why the justification so late in the timeline (nah, I’m kidding. All about the young men dying and money made from that).
Civil War? Fuuuuuck yes.
1812, Franco American, duh…
Revolutionary? I’ll have to have someone smarter than me (not that hard) to lay it out, please.
But I will say, all, and I fucking mean ALL, of this bullshit served to kill young men (from a certain area) and cost those a boatload of dough; payable to the bankers.
That is what I see as a primary reason. Not he only, but mostly.
Stamp Act targeted those who dealt in documents aka the press, lawyers and land owners/merchants. Said people buy ink by the barrel, and was a poor decision by ol King George.
However, taxes before the war were much much lower than what came after, which triggered two rebellions that the original US govt barely survived. Then the Constitution. Without the anti federalists we wouldn't have the Bill of Rights
To go even further back, the English Civil War was fired up by the printing press, and a bunch of newspapers stoking anti Catholic bias in England as the King had married a Catholic
If you go back too far, they didn't need public opinion on their side. The king just told them what to do, and they only considered the cost vs. Benefit. If they thought they could get some easy money, they went to war.
I’ll see that 50 years and raise him 300 ..........as long as we define media loosely.
WW2, yep for sure.
WW1, they were all waiting for the US to enter it. Still not sure why the justification so late in the timeline (nah, I’m kidding. All about the young men dying and money made from that).
Civil War? Fuuuuuck yes.
1812, Franco American, duh…
Revolutionary? I’ll have to have someone smarter than me (not that hard) to lay it out, please.
But I will say, all, and I fucking mean ALL, of this bullshit served to kill young men (from a certain area) and cost those a boatload of dough; payable to the bankers.
That is what I see as a primary reason. Not he only, but mostly.
Stamp Act targeted those who dealt in documents aka the press, lawyers and land owners/merchants. Said people buy ink by the barrel, and was a poor decision by ol King George.
However, taxes before the war were much much lower than what came after, which triggered two rebellions that the original US govt barely survived. Then the Constitution. Without the anti federalists we wouldn't have the Bill of Rights
To go even further back, the English Civil War was fired up by the printing press, and a bunch of newspapers stoking anti Catholic bias in England as the King had married a Catholic
I agree with you,but it might be best to keep it simple for the un- awake.
Roger that.
However, I’ll also say that the more studious among us could probably raise it a lot more...like 1000???
I’m no brainiac but would be comfortable adding 300 :-)
If you go back too far, they didn't need public opinion on their side. The king just told them what to do, and they only considered the cost vs. Benefit. If they thought they could get some easy money, they went to war.
Agreed. But Julian is talking about what he has researched directly.