i'm cool with this, because it means blacks held blacks in slavery, so no monies for them. they wuz kangz, so them kangz needed to lose dey powerz fo being evil.
The first slave owner in the colonies was Anthony Johnson who who was black. Furthermore, there were a significant number of free blacks who owned slaves in the US right up until the civil war. There is even a Wikipedia article on black slave owners:
Furthermore, almost all African Americans today who trace their ancestry to the slaves are of mixed race.
If you take the totality of the above, reparations are completely insane for the following additional reasons (there are already many well known other reasons I won't repeat):
Are mixed race black Americans (which is almost all of them) going to have their white part pay reparations to their black part?
Is it going to be acceptable, given the stated stated intent of reparations (obviously not the true one), that reparations are going to be paid to ancestors of slave owners if we take the black slave owners into account? We'd basically be rewarding people for having owned slaves.
It will be in government indoctrination daycare centers regardless, until the DoE is shut down for being a tool of the elites, and until we return to home school and hometown control. We'll have to pry the convenience of farming out your kids' formation to creepy groomers and communists out of the laziest parents' hands, but so be it.
We spoke to a family not long ago who was really happy to have moved to this area because the school has such high marks online. It gives "free" (taxpayer funded) breakfasts and lunches (not all of them do around here yet), but its test results are not special. Last week, they reached out to us for info on home schooling. Their kid is getting bullied and the school isn't helping at all. (Shocked face)
But they've seen the light and will take a few more families with them, I believe. We're helping as much as possible. (If you or anyone you know is considering home school but is intimidated by the withdrawal process or by negative relatives, go to the HSLDA.org website and peruse their copious articles on these subject and more.)
It's mental cruelty. It's Cultural Genocide right in your face. Delist Google from being traded. Then relist when they start respecting the people that built their Company.
And here lies - pun intended - the danger of AI in any circumstance. We already cannot rust politicians and the media to tell the truth. History they say was written by the victors and that has a significant level of truth but no AI is rewriting history in own woke way. AI cannot be trusted in anyway at all! Like the luddites of old we need to smash it now before we end up with the situation of the Matrix!
This is what happens when you destroy truth and push propaganda. They want to rewrite history, and if they got their way i am convinced in several generations this is what they would teach as truth and reality. Scary shit. These commie fucks need eradicated.
There was one woman, masquerading as a man, who was elected pope during the dark ages. I believe she was nicknamed Red Joan. When her hoax was revealed, they killed her.
i'm cool with this, because it means blacks held blacks in slavery, so no monies for them. they wuz kangz, so them kangz needed to lose dey powerz fo being evil.
Dey dindu noffin
The Bee on target, again:
Seriously. Why dont they make slaves white if they’re going reinterpret history. Funny how this shit only works one way.
Howls. Smart thinking.
The first slave owner in the colonies was Anthony Johnson who who was black. Furthermore, there were a significant number of free blacks who owned slaves in the US right up until the civil war. There is even a Wikipedia article on black slave owners:
Furthermore, almost all African Americans today who trace their ancestry to the slaves are of mixed race.
If you take the totality of the above, reparations are completely insane for the following additional reasons (there are already many well known other reasons I won't repeat):
Little kids might believe and if they win, you might see this in school.
It will be in government indoctrination daycare centers regardless, until the DoE is shut down for being a tool of the elites, and until we return to home school and hometown control. We'll have to pry the convenience of farming out your kids' formation to creepy groomers and communists out of the laziest parents' hands, but so be it.
We spoke to a family not long ago who was really happy to have moved to this area because the school has such high marks online. It gives "free" (taxpayer funded) breakfasts and lunches (not all of them do around here yet), but its test results are not special. Last week, they reached out to us for info on home schooling. Their kid is getting bullied and the school isn't helping at all. (Shocked face)
But they've seen the light and will take a few more families with them, I believe. We're helping as much as possible. (If you or anyone you know is considering home school but is intimidated by the withdrawal process or by negative relatives, go to the HSLDA.org website and peruse their copious articles on these subject and more.)
You are so wonderful. I would love to see more people home school. It's important.
Hope not also.
You have to love the New York Post's penchant for puns.
Why are they still operating?
No idea, I'm just giving credit where credit's due.
LOL. Rival Babylon Bee.
I can't believe that you guys didn't know that blacks have done everything, invented everything and are everyone..
It's mental cruelty. It's Cultural Genocide right in your face. Delist Google from being traded. Then relist when they start respecting the people that built their Company.
The government?
We the people could do that. Look at Bud Light.
Glad this is on the front page of the Post. It needs to be shoved in people's faces.
Please spread the info.
Yep. Crazy world.
Kids don't care, they are well distracted these days smh
And here lies - pun intended - the danger of AI in any circumstance. We already cannot rust politicians and the media to tell the truth. History they say was written by the victors and that has a significant level of truth but no AI is rewriting history in own woke way. AI cannot be trusted in anyway at all! Like the luddites of old we need to smash it now before we end up with the situation of the Matrix!
It's nice to see someone finally recognizing the great revolutionary patriot orator Demetrius Thelonius Smith.
I don't know any of this. Thanks for the info.
This is what happens when you destroy truth and push propaganda. They want to rewrite history, and if they got their way i am convinced in several generations this is what they would teach as truth and reality. Scary shit. These commie fucks need eradicated.
I sure hope it doesn't come to pass.
There is a precedent.
The True Story of Olimpia Maidalchini: The Secret Female Pope by Eleanor Herman.
Thank you so much. I will go read.
Haha And I thought it was a PR marketing stunt for that new movie about the apes.
There was one woman, masquerading as a man, who was elected pope during the dark ages. I believe she was nicknamed Red Joan. When her hoax was revealed, they killed her.
You are so knowledgeable. I will go look.