Nah - regardless of parentage, they're going to keep William next in line. Too many Brits disenchanted with the monarchy and the 'royal' family that if there is this big of an announcement (too many skeletons in the woodshed) the Brits will start working to overthrow or eliminate anything 'royal' because of the cost without the true product.
Succession could be a problem: neither Wills or Harry are Chuckie's; Andrew and Edward were not sired by Philip. Queen Anne?
Nah - regardless of parentage, they're going to keep William next in line. Too many Brits disenchanted with the monarchy and the 'royal' family that if there is this big of an announcement (too many skeletons in the woodshed) the Brits will start working to overthrow or eliminate anything 'royal' because of the cost without the true product.
Huh? Hadn't heard that
Did hear a royal watcher claim upon Charles passing, Princess Anne will become Queen regent until George is of age skipping over William.
Why would George have a better claim, I wonder?
Yeah, to us.... they already know who the fathers are .... they'll keep that lie alive; unless DNA tests are part of the process....