Hollywood Celebrities Freak as SCOTUS Takes Up Trump Immunity Case: 'F**k The Supreme Court'
The day after the Supreme Court ruled that it would take up former President Donald Trump's immunity case, Hollywood celebrities appear to have received their marching orders -- to smear and delegitimize the court in the mind of the American public.
Those are Hollywood celebrities? Sheesh
Scraping the bottom of the barrel - or dredging up the bottom of the swamp.
From a user called Two Spoons - "Why does Steven van Zandt always dress like a gay, midget pirate?"
And a user called FM - "I enjoy quotes from dumb and uninformed people. They make everyone else seem like Rhodes Scholars."
(And don't forget to browse through the comments section, linked at the bottom of the article for added amusement).
You'd think SCOTUS would bristle just a tad at all the shit-talk.......
I'm sure the marxists will send out their thug squads to the conservative SCOTUS judges' homes or wind up some of their MK Ultra creatures and set them loose.
I seriously can't wait for the retribution phase. Trump's next term is not going to be anything like his first term. If I was a leftist-marxist scumbag I'd be terrified, too.
They know he’ll expose their misconduct with kids.
Jack Smith is the one that asked the SCOTUS to take up this portion of the case.
And, the Commies waited 3 years before they brought these charges just so it could be used to interfere with the election.
My favorite quote - Thomas needs to recluse himself. Hahahahah
Just a bunch of has-beens trying to be relevant. 15-min of fame? Nothing to see here.
I'm thinking these losers got notice from their puppet masters to do what they do best (behave like unhinged a-holes) and out came the torrent of bile from their little mouths and brains. As the article states "... Hollywood celebrities appear to have received their marching orders ..."