512 INCREDIBLE! Elon will utilize his A.I. system 'Grok' to read and analyze the thousand-page bills that the corrupt Dems have drafted, and reveal the important data points to all of us before the House and Senate are required to vote! Bravo! Elon is astonishing! (twitter.com) 🔍 Notable posted 337 days ago by CasuallyObservant 337 days ago by CasuallyObservant +513 / -1 91 comments share 91 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Using tools to combat a problem, instead of just solving it.
Can you just solve it? What are you waiting for? It should be easy.
In the meantime, fighting back and exposing the lies.
What a gay comment. Stop being gay.
Using the tool may force the solution when we all see what they've been slipping in there unbeknownst.
Using a tool could prevent people from thinking they need to solve the problem, now that there is a tool to combat it. Ultimately relying more on AI and trusting it.
On purpose.
As my dad used to say, any job is easy if you have the right tools!