I've been seriously considering starting a wiki project on the truth of all things, regardless of whether they are discussed here or not. In a similar fashion to Wikipedia, it would require citations and reliable evidence, not simply something someone heard on a podcast.
I've had a name for it since the idea first appeared: Library of Truth. Sounds cool and fancy but it really should just be an open-source, user-editable, wikipedia-type website. Anyone have any ideas or know-how on this topic? I know it's super duper niche but I have over 5 years of wiki experience, including creating two well-run wikis that I have given to their respective communities to run. (Google: "GeoFS Wiki" and/or "Woomy-Arras.io Wiki")
I also have extensive wiki editing experience and I am well-versed in theme design, organization, etc. I just can't find any wiki platform that won't ban the wiki for saying the WTC-7 was a controlled demolition.
Here's the problem. I am not tech-savvy. MediaWiki is fine, but I have no clue on the server/network side of things.
And personal protection is not a problem. I am protected by Christ, and my faith is in Him. I don't this for personal gain or anything. If I see a problem or a missing part of a community or society, I'm going to do my utmost to end that. I'm sure the three letter agencies will have plenty of fun fighting God anyway.
Also this would basically replace Wikipedia after the Storm. Had a cool dream about its theme last night.
Then the solution is quite simple. 1.a. Hire a VPS & install linux, apache or nginx.
or 1.b. get a computer or laptop, install linux, Nginx or Apache. 2. install the wiki-software. 3. setup your wiki. 4. Test on local host. 4. Get a domain & set the mx records correctly and migrate from test to live.
That went over my head. Oof.
Stop making excuses. Nothing is stopping you from learning this stuff. There's tons of free or very cheap learning resources online.
If you're serious about doing this, tighten your belt, increase your confusion tolerance and go do things that are difficult for you. Everything is hard until it's easy.