Seriously ! Wtf is wrong with people ? There’s only one reason .. They are demon possessed ! No normal human, liberal or otherwise would go for this satanic horror ,, if someone used the term “ minor attracted” to me, It would be over , I just can’t anymore!
I think He already did come back (Tartaria). We are in Revelation 20 (Satn's lil season), we've been lied to about which part of the timeline we are on.
Doesn't look like he was locked up to me with all the evil in the world! Besides that, he won't be locked away until after the Great Tribulation. I think you are following the preterist view that the Bible has been fulfilled and I believe the Premillennialism view.
Preterists believe in a 'spiritual' fulfillment of Revelation, not an earthy one. A growing number of people are seeing that there was an actual fulfillment around 70AD when the temple was destroyed. It's not preterism. The evil here now is because we have had 200 years of Revelation 20:7. Jesus has already come back, the trib has already happened. You could look at the subject of Tartaria to start to understand the concept.
More craziness, this idea reinforces the pedophiles lued cravings. After awhile they pedophile won't be happy with Pinocchio, they will want a real boy or girl.
So this is the hill the DNC party dies on? Defending chomos?
Come quickly Lord Jesus , I’m about done here !
Seriously ! Wtf is wrong with people ? There’s only one reason .. They are demon possessed ! No normal human, liberal or otherwise would go for this satanic horror ,, if someone used the term “ minor attracted” to me, It would be over , I just can’t anymore!
I think He already did come back (Tartaria). We are in Revelation 20 (Satn's lil season), we've been lied to about which part of the timeline we are on.
If He had already come, He would be sitting on David's throne ruling the nations with a rod of iron and Satan would be locked away for 1000 years.
Yes but we wouldn't see it if we are in the part of the world that is deceived after Satan was loosed. The theory is that happened in 1776.
Satan has been ruling this world since Adam fell. He has not been locked away yet!
No, with respect I think he was locked up for 1000 years and that is not in our history books, but much evidence is still around.
Doesn't look like he was locked up to me with all the evil in the world! Besides that, he won't be locked away until after the Great Tribulation. I think you are following the preterist view that the Bible has been fulfilled and I believe the Premillennialism view.
Preterists believe in a 'spiritual' fulfillment of Revelation, not an earthy one. A growing number of people are seeing that there was an actual fulfillment around 70AD when the temple was destroyed. It's not preterism. The evil here now is because we have had 200 years of Revelation 20:7. Jesus has already come back, the trib has already happened. You could look at the subject of Tartaria to start to understand the concept.
I can't help but notice something about her
bruh🤮 it's one of those "if you can see it you can if not idk"
Oy vey! Shut it down! The goyim know!
They love their unbiased scientific research don’t they. I wonder who did the research she’s citing.
More craziness, this idea reinforces the pedophiles lued cravings. After awhile they pedophile won't be happy with Pinocchio, they will want a real boy or girl.
Lord Jesus come quick and bring the lightning with you ..this is sick
Conclusive to what??? That these sick fucks need child sex dolls to get off?
Here this loud and clear….. WE WILL NEVER NORMALIZE YOUR DISGUSTING PEDO LIFESTYLE!! NEVER!! This is the hill we die on….
Yea, what we need to do is prevent and correct that behavior, not give it an "outlet"
That will just foster more intense cravings. Whatever study this lady is referring to was no doubt put out by satanist pedos
Berg. What an interesting last name. I wonder where she goes to synagogue?
Do they honestly think a pedo is going to be satisfied with a doll? 🙄
How many dolls does Bidan have in his basement?