224 D5 Funeral Envelopes Were Likely the Counter For the DS Attempting To Postpone things. (media.greatawakening.win) posted 349 days ago by SemperSupra 349 days ago by SemperSupra +224 / -0 58 comments download share 58 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Still going with photo of GHWB dangling from a rope. Instantaneous gut reactions from each swamp creature.
Laura: Is this true?
W: Yep.
Q: "Our offer to counter" (i.e., to hang all you disgusting sacks of shit, just like this)
They reacted so instantly it makes me think it was visual
Exactly. Zero time for processing any words, just immediate horror
🎯 correct.
If so, Obama knew as well. He basically had no reaction.
I would expect that from Black Jesus. He is, after all, a lizard underneath that light brown skin.
Neither did Killery...
Her panicked reaction was the best of everyone's
Glanced at image, eyes widened, did double take
Corners of the mouth pulled down, teeth clenched, as when gasping
Looked like she'd just seen...a ghost