posted ago by changeagent ago by changeagent +28 / -0

There are some pics of FJB from the SOTU that are causing a heightened level of attention to the possibility that it was an actor wearing a mask.

So... let's start with the basiv what-ifs...

What if it was/is not a mask? Well, that means it is really is FJB. There's not much more to say, although you could discuss how he has been able to look different and behave differently, and speculate about drugs and other stuff. Also, if it is not a mask, or if we never learn that it was a mask, we seem like nut jobs to everyone else.

What if it is an actor wearing a mask? Here are some questions that arise...

  1. Whose actor is it, white hats or black hats?

  2. Why doesn't someone of the opposite tean run up and pull the mask off on live TV? (As a side note, because this has not happened, I tend to think that that is a contextual proof that we are watching a movie.)

  3. Will we ever find out that it was/is a mask?

  4. What is the reason for some of us to know/believe it is a mask, if it will never be proven that it is a mask?

  5. Do we need to actually prove it is a mask? Why?

  6. If it's a black hat mask operation, what does that say about the Plan?

FWIW, I personally believe that the real FJB is long gone, along with many others. But, that will never be disclosed because then the general public would be confused, and trying to explain Q and white/black hats will result in brain shutoff. So, I have to be content that the mask thing will never be proven... unless the precipice gets so bad that the white hats spring the final trapand expose the cabal as they pull the mask off and show the world via the MSM the white hats have taken over, and say, "They not only stole the election but they have been lying all along, and using actors to mislead you.". That would be something!