Let's count the number of 60+ year old roofer's who are close to retirement, and see if they agree. Oh, what's that, we can't find any 60+ year old roofer's?
The point being- is that the existing retirement age has always been far too high for people who do physically strenuous work.
Truth be told. If trends continue like they have been. Recent stats indicate most of my generation won’t be able to afford to retire. Let alone pay the cost of a funeral.
That's when the funeral parlors run an ads for:
"Special - Crispy Critter - Special"
"Everything comes in ONE Box with Secure Lid"
"Ready for Insertion into Catacombs"
"All for the LOW, LOW PRICE of $2,500.00 paid out in monthly payments"
Anyone who wants to raise retirement age is a stooge for the Banksters.
Always the gold smith promises. Give us your money to keep safe and we’ll return it to you when you need it.
(and make sure you will not be around long enough to need it)
BAFFLING as to what kind of event can SUDDENLY cause there not to be enough people around to negatively impact Social Security payouts in the future.
Experts are baffled.
This is precisely what the DS is hoping for.
Says the guy who shills for a living. This dude couldn't work his way out of a paper bag and wants us to work longer
Says the filthy rich Jew faggot.
Let's count the number of 60+ year old roofer's who are close to retirement, and see if they agree. Oh, what's that, we can't find any 60+ year old roofer's?
The point being- is that the existing retirement age has always been far too high for people who do physically strenuous work.
Originally retirement was 55 I think.
Let me add another reason I despise this worthless paper-shuffling excuse for a beta male cuckasaurus. His wife changes his tampons for him, I'm sure.
Truth be told. If trends continue like they have been. Recent stats indicate most of my generation won’t be able to afford to retire. Let alone pay the cost of a funeral.
A guy down in Haiti named, Barbecue, can help you out with that last one. 😬
I’d probably give him indigestion
That's when the funeral parlors run an ads for: "Special - Crispy Critter - Special" "Everything comes in ONE Box with Secure Lid" "Ready for Insertion into Catacombs"
"All for the LOW, LOW PRICE of $2,500.00 paid out in monthly payments"
"We Finance"