House going Democrat
Called this after the election in 2022. The margin was way too slim for the uni-party to NOT take advantage of. They will turn it over to the house and we'll see a raft of anti-trump legislation before the election. Watch.
Hmm..interesting new moves on the board. Dangling this in front of them tells me two things:
Dems and RINOs will waste a lot of effort on these moves, but end up purging RINOs just to have them replaced with Maga
House Committees are getting close to dangerous disclosures.
Prediction: Both House and Senate solid maga red in 2024.
I love your optimism on this u/bubble_bursts
DC has been uniparty for decades with only the appearance of "two sides."
This cancerous rot is beyond stage 4, and I think it may take much longer than people realize to restore the city and institutions to a representative place of business.
I have felt that Nov 5, 2024 is a crucial fork in the road for many reasons. If there is more stealing and election Integrity is not restored, I fear all hell is going to break loose.
If white hats are in control they need to start making serious moves to avoid this carastrophy.
I agree!
If Q meant what they said, they will not let this happen. The Democrats had been the anti-war, pro-labor party, but now they are solid DINOs. The predators took over completely.
Nope, not gonna happen.
Prediction: Post precipice, the capital will be moved to a different location.
I am thinking either Florida or back to Pennsylvania.
Added: And DC will probably be absorbed back into Maryland and Virginia as before the Organic Act.
That would be great. It's become a symbol of pure evil.
"This movement is about replacing a failed and corrupt system." Not fix but replace. What happens in DC is autopilot now. It's meant to collapse. Don't put any stock in DC. That's likely not the way forward. They are not giving up power again there.
Exactly my thought. I think DC will be gone, absorbed back into MD and VA, and the capital will move to a more constitutional place.
Mitch McConnell and Rona’s RNC funneled $ to RINO election campaigns, and didn’t support MAGA candidates. Seizing control of the RNC leadership is a huge win, let’s see what happens.
The timing is not a coincidence. This is a military operation.
"Prediction: Both House and Senate solid maga red in 2024."
Dear God, please watch over bubble_bursts and his family, and help his prediction come true for the well being of America, and the world, and all of its people and families. Thank you.
As long as other Anons pray with me, I have a good history