Yesterday, someone asked: "Tell me what a "black pill" is...
Red Pill, Blue Pill, Black Pill, White Pill
(H/T to Dr. Zeus)
A black pill builds on the metaphor of the red pill and the blue pill in the film, The Matrix.
The red pill is the one that Neo must take in order to wake up from the Matrix. It carries a tracer program that finds him in the matrix hardware and disrupts his input/output connection. On the other hand, while never fully explained, the blue pill appears to have carried something that will allow Neo to forget what he knows, and to live life oblivious to the falseness of the Matrix.
Metaphorically, the Red Pill represents information that reveals some truth about the facade of lies that the Cabal and Deep State has built in order to keep us, the population, asleep and in trance. The Matrix itself is a metaphor for that Façade of Lies.
The Blue Pill metaphorically represents the fake propaganda information that the Deep State / Cabal disseminates via its propaganda machine, fake information that perpetuates the lies that people must believe in order to ‘not see’ the truth.
In this context, a "Black Pill" is thus a metaphor for information that triggers disbelief, doubt, despair, depressing feelings, discouragement, "dooming" etc. The information inspires the opposite of hope.
If you take a "black pill", it means you are accepting in to your mental framework information that causes loss of hope, loss of vision and loss of positive expectation.
But that "Black Pill" only has power when it is ingested. In other words, it is the attitude and heart with which you engage that information that activates its negative power. For others, the very same information may actually form a "white pill", one that inspires hope and encourages.
There are many "white pills" out there, as there are "black pills", "red pills" and "blue pills". Which pills you take, and which ones you digest and make use of, this is affected in a very big way by your intent and your character.
What Activates the Nature of the Pill (Information)?
What the metaphor of the "pill" shows us is that there is an element of intention that is necessary to activate the power of the information.
Information (pill) + Intent (attitude) = Effect
This is why some people can see X information and ignore it. It has no effect on them, because the intent to see the truth, the desire to find the truth is not there. If the person 'desires' comfort, staying asleep, then they will ignore the information, even if their unconscious mind realizes that they are lying to themselves. Some people will willingly choose a lie if it appears that it will make their lives comfortable.
With others, however, the intent, the desire to see the truth, even if it is painful, is present, and this activates the information and creates the "Red Pill" effect.
So while information is a thing in itself, it is only when it is coupled with the human element – intent or purpose - that it delivers it's effect. So how is the intent that triggers the power of the information activated? How is the effect of Truth triggered?
There is a part in every human being that desires truth, that resonates with truth. Let us call this the Original Human Element, the part of each person that comes from God and is rooted in God's own nature.
Historically, that part of us has been suppressed, oppressed and attacked by another part within us, a part that does not come from God but which derives its origins in the being or cause that Christian belief refers to as "Satan". This part of us is not original; it is foreign. It grows through sinful action, action that contradicts God's nature and which resonates and binds with Satan's nature. It engages with lies and half-truths and is activated by them.
Just as lies have a way of activating the false, foreign satanic element, the Truth has a way of activating this Original Human Element (the original human heart). Thus, the Deep State / Cabal tries to prevent the truth from being spoken about, talked about, shared, because it inherently has the effect of eliciting our original human impulse and inspires us to seek even greater truth.
The War Between Truth and Lies
The war between the Original Human Heart and the corrupted Satanic heart is a historical war, and Truth vs Lies is the nature of the battles.
God works in two ways: from within to trigger and elicit that desire for truth within us, and outside of “me”, to have more and more truth revealed externally. This forms a two-pronged attack: God working within our heart and mind, and Truth working outside our heart and mind, in the form of information and understanding.
By contrast, Evil seeks to set up shop and maintain its stronghold inside, us. Lies are what evil seeks to perpetuate inside, assisted by lies, half-truths, and other 'black pills' outside our heart and mind. So, when we say the information war is a spiritual war, this is what it means. That war is being waged within each and every human being. It is a war between Goodness & Truth on one hand, and Evil & Lies on the other.
The Two-Pronged dimension of the War for Truth
Evil has had the upper hand since the start of our history. That’s what all scriptures (not just the Biblical scripture) teach in some form or other. From this angle, the history of religion, for example, is one record of God's work to increasingly reveal the truth about the spiritual dimension and inner reality, albeit with evil seeking to undermine and corrupt that action. Philosophy and Science is another record, of the truth about the external world (material world) being increasingly revealed, and evil also attacks on this front, as seen to unprecedented levels during the Covid Scandemic.
But step by step, over time, God has increasingly revealed truth in all its forms, and today, the historical "upper hand" that Evil has had is about to collapse. Once people start to wake up to how evil has been running the world, this inherently helps create an environment that is conducive to a greater desire for, and corresponding revealing of, inner and outer truth.
Two Aspects of the Great Awakening
In this sense, the Great Awakening has two complementary aspects. One is the waking up to the mechanisms and systems that evil has been using to rule the world and maintain its control over humanity. The other is an internal waking up, to the inner mechanisms and thought systems within our own hearts that limit us, keep us in a comfort zone, and which limit our capacity to love and be loved.
In other words, from this angle, we could say that there is the external Great Awakening and the internal Great Awakening. One is a waking up to the reality of the world around "me", outside of "me", and the other is a waking up to the reality within "me".
These two aspects are complimentary. They can and should reinforce each other. They naturally do. As any anon knows, it takes internal fortitude and courage to digest certain 'red pills' along the path. Meanwhile, facing ourselves and deeply buried traits, faults, limitations of heart is at least equally as difficult, and often more so. It's often easier to see the evil outside us than it is to see the evil hiding away inside us, in the form of certain lies, untruths about ourselves or others that we hold on to, including the limitations of our hearts and the capacity to love and be loved.
And just a note on that point for fellow believers: Those who have faith are at a distinct advantage in the Great Awakening, but I would encourage all believers to contemplate the idea that Jesus is the START of waking up, not the END. Doctrine, personal or religious, is not the same as the Truth. One might even say that the Bible itself is not The Truth. The Truth is Jesus himself. Jesus is Truth Incarnate.
The Bible is true in the sense that it points us towards, and testifies to, Jesus. Truth then, is not mere knowledge. Ultimately, it is ONLY when we build and develop our capacity for relationship that Truth takes hold. And, ultimately, the basis for all enduring relationship centers on love. Aka our capacity to love unselfishly (including respecting others, having compassion, being just, etc) and receive love, too. That is where Truth truly takes hold within us.
Where Are We Headed?
Seen from this perspective, the overall objective of the Great Awakening is not merely or simply the realization of the Truth. It is a rebuilding and pioneering of the capacity for relationship (love) in the spirit of true freedom.
External freedom will liberate the capacity for us to engage with each other in a world and society not controlled or dominated by the lies of the Cabal. That external engagement may take many different forms: political, economic, social, cultural, academic, etc., and it will be governed by freedom: aka self-governance.
Internal freedom will liberate our capacity to love each other, unselfishly and with pure hearts, as individuals, families, communities, societies and nations.
If you think about the Great Awakening from this angle, I'd say that this constitutes a pretty big WHITE PILL.
Disclaimer: the ideas shared in this post are not intended to be doctrinal. They are simply one perspective, my own perspective, on the topics being discussed. I encourage frens to take the post in that spirit. If you find disagreement, then let that be, and share your own view. In my view, we find the Truth together, not in isolation.
we should have been told the 100% truth from the beginning. isn't that what free will/free choice is all about, us being able to decide what we want, good or bad?
how can we freely choose when we don't know what the truth is? it's not fair to not know what we are choosing. then to be punished for believing lies?? that's not free choice, that's trickery and deceit.
the idea that mis/disinformation is necessary is BS. there is good and bad in all of us. give us the correct info and let us decide which side of this we want to be on. rant over.
“Here is calculus, all of calculus, all at once.”
—> (o)
“Please learn it and have full ability and will to act upon your knowledge, immediately.
I will expect some complicated engineering work to be underway, if not complete, in the next five minutes or so.”
As nice of a thought as it is, people don’t work that way. How long was Adam counseled in the garden prior to the fall? A day? A year? Five hundred years? Were his days counted before death was a thing? For what purpose would they have been counted?
We fell, we were separated, the path back is not so straightforward. Our job is to make the path straight. How can we do that if it isn’t crooked?
'they' purposely taught us fake math from when we were little and then they expect us to believe them when they tell us it was fake the whole the time?
Adam was told the truth by God to not eat of the fruit. Adam was lied to by satan BUT knew the truth and made a choice. that's what i'm talking about. God told the truth, satan lied, Adam chose. this is where free will comes in. Adam willingly chose the lie while knowing the truth.
we've been lied to all of our lives and taught wrong on purpose and that is not how free will is supposed to work.
i honestly don't care how long Adam was in the garden. he walked with God, he knew God loved and cared for him, then Adam let a creature deceive him. all on Adam, not God.
so in short, tell us and teach us the truth so when lies do come forward, we decide whether we want to choose good or evil. at this point we have been deceived FIRST, then present what 'they' call truth.
that "being or beings" called MAJESTIC12 says we are gods. so from what i've been taught in the Bible, THAT is BLASHPHEMY.
MAJESTIC 12 also says that THEY created the Bible and lied to us from the beginning about creation. they also say that they were good, then they were evil, now the are good again. really!!!! so if they can switch like that on a dime, how do we know that they were ever really good???? and the crap they are spewing at us now is truth and good?
the Bible tells us that the last days must be cut short because of the pure evil that is to come that even the righteous will all be deceived if left to continue.
The fruit was the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil. Adam could not know what disobedience was without having first eaten the fruit. God even says in Genesis 3:22 "...'The man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil. He must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live forever.'"
I'm sorry to say, but my first redpill was coming out of the Christian Church.
The issue is not disobedience. That's a theological misinterpretation based on ignorance.
The issue was simply this: Adam: believe God or believe Lucifer. That was Adam's responsibility. His choice. Without responsibility, he could not inherit God's authority to be king of the world.
The fruit is talked of as the Fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. The other tree was "the tree of life". But what were they really? Is this story literal? is there such an actual tree, that if you eat the fruit, it kills you spiritually? Never seen one. Maybe kills you physically, if the fruit is poisonous, but Adam lived on, physically. He died spiritually, because he became separated from God.
So what did the tree of KoG/E symbolize? What about the True of Life? That's the real question.
If your parent warns you, don't go throwing a rock at the neighbors car, because the consequences will be bad, you can either believe your parent or not. If you do, sure, you won't taste the experience of being yelled at by the neighbor, dragged to the police station, and getting some sort of punishment, you won't KNOW that, but what will you know? You'll now the joy and satisfaction of making the good choice until you are older and then understand the consequences, even without undergoing the experience.
The story in Genesis is there to communicate something. Don't blame the church if they are just as ignorant as you about what it means. But carry on.
Psalm 82:6 and John 10:34? The question is what those mean. Your response, ironically, mirrored John 10:33 (though I doubt that was your intent, or that amplifying verse 34 is MJ12’s). I’ve heard of Majestic 12 and MJ12, but don’t know anything of it, nor do I have any conclusion on those verses. Maybe some day. This is not intended as an accusation, but as an encouragement for further consideration, simply because it is not clear what is meant, from any of the above sources, and not because anything is “wrong”.
Au contraire. “Free will” means you’re able to accept or reject those lies and to choose or abstain from searching for the Truth. It’s not how creation will work at some point, but it’s absolutely in line with “free will”.
“You have more than you know.”
i was/am searching for the truth and came across Majectic12, and everything they say is the exact opposite of what the Bible teaches. they say the Bible is a lie, we are gods and that Jesus is not the Messiah but he is in the 7th dimension.
they say God does NOT create life but man and woman does when sperm meets egg. nothing spiritual about God breathing life into that baby.
it was not my intent to mirror John 10:33.
sorry my fren, i love my God and my Jesus and don't want some creature from the black lagoon or hole to tell me neither exist. thank you for being kind during my rant.
here is the link to the majestic 12 saga. i hope the link works for you, i'm not sure how else share it with you.
it talks about math, etc., so i thought with your math drop you might have been because of them. have a great day.
Are you somehow expecting the devil and his minions, all those that are evil, to simply tell you the truth and relinquish their control over you?
Who are you demanding tell you the truth? The devil is NOT interested in your freewill or choice. He is interested in controlling and destroying you.
Hmmmm... I see the acknoweldged rant, but I'm not quite clear on who or what the rant is about/against.
Told the truth by who?
It's not fair.... well, yeah, the situation is not fair. Punished? By who? Trickery and deceit? Certainly. Evil uses trickery and deceit, and willingly violates our free will via manipulation.
Who or what are you talking about? if it's Q, well, Q simply explained to us that in the intel war (which includes the psywar) disinformation is an important tool for waging war on the enemy.
So, yeah, not sure at all who or what the rant is directed towards.
But just in case it's in reference to the historical situation that we find ourselves, there is this:
The universe is designed by the creator so that all good things and blessings can be inherited down towards those who come after. My accomplishments, including the blessings I receive from God, can pass forward to benefit (bless) my decedents. That's because God himself wishes to inherit his blessings down to us, as his children.
But this structure - like responsibility - comes with consequences. Fulfilling one's responsibility results in blessings. Not fulfilling, abandoning one's responsibility results in the opposite.
In the very beginning, God gave the truth to Adam and Eve. Don't do X, because if you do, the consequences will be fatal and devastating. Adam and Eve had a responsibility to receive that truth and unite with it. Their responsibility - their part - was to be faithful and believe.
But when they were approached with a lie - no, doing X will actually be great for you! - they had a choice: believe in my father, or believe in this angelic being.
Their failure to maintain faith resulted in spiritual death, separation from God, with the result that there was no way back for them or their descendants unless God carved it out for them. The spiritual death resulted in loss of knowledge, because they became cut off from the source of true knowledge.
This is why, over time, historically, God has shed sweat blood and tears to carve out, step by step, the means to re-deliver his word and the truth. All the suffering of humanity is simply the reflection of the suffering of the Father as he works from the other side. We reach out to God, but God reaches out to us even more. When we encounter God, some folks feel like they just met God and that God decided to show up. But there are years, decades, generations of effort by God just to get to the point where he can break through and our minds are awake enough to respond.
It is a tragedy that the first ancestors abandoned the truth they were given. Is it unfair that we are in a place of suffering? of ignorance? Yes, but the only reason the situation exists is because of the principle that God wants to inherit everything, all his blessings, love and joy, down to us. We're the one's who screwed up, not God.
And, God does not punish. God holds us to account, as he holds himself to account. Who do you think God really blamed when Adam and Eve fell? He blamed himself. he thought, this would have never have happened, if I had not created them. That is why, before anything else, God took responsibility, and began working straight away to rescue his children.
It might look, from the outside, that we're being punished and that God is aloof, but is it punishment if you jump off a cliff and end up with broken bones? No. This is simply the consequence of the laws of physics, laws put in place and created to make skiing possible, diving in to water possible, running down a hill possible. But if you jump off a cliff, you're going to end up with broken bones.
Just a few thoughts, in response to your rant, and possibly having nothing to do with your rant, as I am unclear who or what it was about, but just in case it was about God, and our unfair situation because of those who lived before us....
this is who i'm ranting about. i'm sorry i didn't make this clearer. now, i guess we don't have a God, Jesus is not the Messiah but something in the 7th dimension. and how Majestic 12 is controlling us and we can reincarnate or ascend.
Not a publishing date or nothing. So obviously real serious about the info, then.... /s
FWIW, I'll say that (in my view) a lot of stuff comes to people via the spirit world. Aka they get ideas, thoughts, even messages, and latch in to them and convey them, etc.
But the spirit world is just as varied and has as broad a spectrum of awareness as Earth (aka our material plane).
Some folks might receive content from someone in the spirit world who is convinced "this is how it is" - after all, the spirit world is the dimension where one's subjective reality dictates one's external experience - and that might be conveyed even in highly complex thought constructions, some of which MIGHT reflect reality, and some of which might completely reflect a subjective and inaccurate view.
Which is why one needs to always tune in to the holy spirit, and vet the information. Personally, I use a model I call the three axis model (i.e. X, Y and Z axes):
Axis X: Guidance from God via the spirit, which might be inspiration, revelation in prayer, dreams, or intuition. (discerning when this guidance comes from is critical and is something one needs to hone over one's life)
Axis Y: Guidance from scripture, written truths, the Word
Axis Z: Personal experience in the Real World that confirms or denies, that provides evidence of how accurately X and Y are matching up.
When all three Axes converge and come close together, I use this as my guidance system for honing in on "Truth".
So not wanting to discount any possible information in the document (Majestic 12), my first response (to be honest) was: Why would you give any credence to it in the first place?
Anyway, thanks for clarifying. It was a bit obscure to me, and it almost seemed like you were ranting against God! As if He had done us an injustice.
one final thought: It might be good that you encountered this Majestic 12 stuff. (I've heard echos of this but never seen this document). Why?
I leave you with another model I use for gauging spiritual (faith) development, in case it is interesting or helpful:
There are three distinct stages in the development or maturation of faith:
Faith of a child, which is blind faith, unquestioning and unblinking faith.
followed by
Faith of an adolescent, which is questioning faith, struggling faith. Faith where the critical faculty kicks on and tests the limits and robustness of the belief system.
followed by
Faith of an adult, which is faith with understanding. It is faith where logic & reason uphold faith, after having been tested and trialed. Adult faith recognizes its own limitations but is not restricted by them. It is open-eyed faith.
It's the middle stage that is most tricky. Some people avoid it by choosing to stay in the first stage, shutting down their development. The second stage IS where most people get derailed, but to reach the third stage, one has to pass through it.
Anyway, after being exposed to this sort of stuff (i.e Majestic 12, ascension, intergalactic brotherhoods, etc) at a very early stage in my life of faith (i.e. as a teenager) it doesn't really bother me, but I think its OK realize its not a very accurate view of the universe. Complex, detailed, etc, etc, but accurate? Nah.
<end of rant>
these are a compilation of tweets from majestic12. i found the link on this board. they say they are NOT the same as Q but work side by side with Q. so i've been reading it.
no, i was not ranting against God. i'm ranting about all the disinformation/misinformation we have been told since, forever. i appreciate all your time and info, i feel like i'm starting to lose faith and i'm tired, very tired.
it says on there that they invented the Bible to hide the truth from us about where we really came from and that we are God and Jesus is not our Messiah but an ISBE that ascended and is in the 7th D.
with all the evil, and there is much evil, i just need answers to why anyone or anything would allow millions and millions of children to be tortured, sexually abused and even eaten. i can hardly stand it.
again Frac, thanks.