Yesterday, someone asked: "Tell me what a "black pill" is...
Red Pill, Blue Pill, Black Pill, White Pill
(H/T to Dr. Zeus)
A black pill builds on the metaphor of the red pill and the blue pill in the film, The Matrix.
The red pill is the one that Neo must take in order to wake up from the Matrix. It carries a tracer program that finds him in the matrix hardware and disrupts his input/output connection. On the other hand, while never fully explained, the blue pill appears to have carried something that will allow Neo to forget what he knows, and to live life oblivious to the falseness of the Matrix.
Metaphorically, the Red Pill represents information that reveals some truth about the facade of lies that the Cabal and Deep State has built in order to keep us, the population, asleep and in trance. The Matrix itself is a metaphor for that Façade of Lies.
The Blue Pill metaphorically represents the fake propaganda information that the Deep State / Cabal disseminates via its propaganda machine, fake information that perpetuates the lies that people must believe in order to ‘not see’ the truth.
In this context, a "Black Pill" is thus a metaphor for information that triggers disbelief, doubt, despair, depressing feelings, discouragement, "dooming" etc. The information inspires the opposite of hope.
If you take a "black pill", it means you are accepting in to your mental framework information that causes loss of hope, loss of vision and loss of positive expectation.
But that "Black Pill" only has power when it is ingested. In other words, it is the attitude and heart with which you engage that information that activates its negative power. For others, the very same information may actually form a "white pill", one that inspires hope and encourages.
There are many "white pills" out there, as there are "black pills", "red pills" and "blue pills". Which pills you take, and which ones you digest and make use of, this is affected in a very big way by your intent and your character.
What Activates the Nature of the Pill (Information)?
What the metaphor of the "pill" shows us is that there is an element of intention that is necessary to activate the power of the information.
Information (pill) + Intent (attitude) = Effect
This is why some people can see X information and ignore it. It has no effect on them, because the intent to see the truth, the desire to find the truth is not there. If the person 'desires' comfort, staying asleep, then they will ignore the information, even if their unconscious mind realizes that they are lying to themselves. Some people will willingly choose a lie if it appears that it will make their lives comfortable.
With others, however, the intent, the desire to see the truth, even if it is painful, is present, and this activates the information and creates the "Red Pill" effect.
So while information is a thing in itself, it is only when it is coupled with the human element – intent or purpose - that it delivers it's effect. So how is the intent that triggers the power of the information activated? How is the effect of Truth triggered?
There is a part in every human being that desires truth, that resonates with truth. Let us call this the Original Human Element, the part of each person that comes from God and is rooted in God's own nature.
Historically, that part of us has been suppressed, oppressed and attacked by another part within us, a part that does not come from God but which derives its origins in the being or cause that Christian belief refers to as "Satan". This part of us is not original; it is foreign. It grows through sinful action, action that contradicts God's nature and which resonates and binds with Satan's nature. It engages with lies and half-truths and is activated by them.
Just as lies have a way of activating the false, foreign satanic element, the Truth has a way of activating this Original Human Element (the original human heart). Thus, the Deep State / Cabal tries to prevent the truth from being spoken about, talked about, shared, because it inherently has the effect of eliciting our original human impulse and inspires us to seek even greater truth.
The War Between Truth and Lies
The war between the Original Human Heart and the corrupted Satanic heart is a historical war, and Truth vs Lies is the nature of the battles.
God works in two ways: from within to trigger and elicit that desire for truth within us, and outside of “me”, to have more and more truth revealed externally. This forms a two-pronged attack: God working within our heart and mind, and Truth working outside our heart and mind, in the form of information and understanding.
By contrast, Evil seeks to set up shop and maintain its stronghold inside, us. Lies are what evil seeks to perpetuate inside, assisted by lies, half-truths, and other 'black pills' outside our heart and mind. So, when we say the information war is a spiritual war, this is what it means. That war is being waged within each and every human being. It is a war between Goodness & Truth on one hand, and Evil & Lies on the other.
The Two-Pronged dimension of the War for Truth
Evil has had the upper hand since the start of our history. That’s what all scriptures (not just the Biblical scripture) teach in some form or other. From this angle, the history of religion, for example, is one record of God's work to increasingly reveal the truth about the spiritual dimension and inner reality, albeit with evil seeking to undermine and corrupt that action. Philosophy and Science is another record, of the truth about the external world (material world) being increasingly revealed, and evil also attacks on this front, as seen to unprecedented levels during the Covid Scandemic.
But step by step, over time, God has increasingly revealed truth in all its forms, and today, the historical "upper hand" that Evil has had is about to collapse. Once people start to wake up to how evil has been running the world, this inherently helps create an environment that is conducive to a greater desire for, and corresponding revealing of, inner and outer truth.
Two Aspects of the Great Awakening
In this sense, the Great Awakening has two complementary aspects. One is the waking up to the mechanisms and systems that evil has been using to rule the world and maintain its control over humanity. The other is an internal waking up, to the inner mechanisms and thought systems within our own hearts that limit us, keep us in a comfort zone, and which limit our capacity to love and be loved.
In other words, from this angle, we could say that there is the external Great Awakening and the internal Great Awakening. One is a waking up to the reality of the world around "me", outside of "me", and the other is a waking up to the reality within "me".
These two aspects are complimentary. They can and should reinforce each other. They naturally do. As any anon knows, it takes internal fortitude and courage to digest certain 'red pills' along the path. Meanwhile, facing ourselves and deeply buried traits, faults, limitations of heart is at least equally as difficult, and often more so. It's often easier to see the evil outside us than it is to see the evil hiding away inside us, in the form of certain lies, untruths about ourselves or others that we hold on to, including the limitations of our hearts and the capacity to love and be loved.
And just a note on that point for fellow believers: Those who have faith are at a distinct advantage in the Great Awakening, but I would encourage all believers to contemplate the idea that Jesus is the START of waking up, not the END. Doctrine, personal or religious, is not the same as the Truth. One might even say that the Bible itself is not The Truth. The Truth is Jesus himself. Jesus is Truth Incarnate.
The Bible is true in the sense that it points us towards, and testifies to, Jesus. Truth then, is not mere knowledge. Ultimately, it is ONLY when we build and develop our capacity for relationship that Truth takes hold. And, ultimately, the basis for all enduring relationship centers on love. Aka our capacity to love unselfishly (including respecting others, having compassion, being just, etc) and receive love, too. That is where Truth truly takes hold within us.
Where Are We Headed?
Seen from this perspective, the overall objective of the Great Awakening is not merely or simply the realization of the Truth. It is a rebuilding and pioneering of the capacity for relationship (love) in the spirit of true freedom.
External freedom will liberate the capacity for us to engage with each other in a world and society not controlled or dominated by the lies of the Cabal. That external engagement may take many different forms: political, economic, social, cultural, academic, etc., and it will be governed by freedom: aka self-governance.
Internal freedom will liberate our capacity to love each other, unselfishly and with pure hearts, as individuals, families, communities, societies and nations.
If you think about the Great Awakening from this angle, I'd say that this constitutes a pretty big WHITE PILL.
Disclaimer: the ideas shared in this post are not intended to be doctrinal. They are simply one perspective, my own perspective, on the topics being discussed. I encourage frens to take the post in that spirit. If you find disagreement, then let that be, and share your own view. In my view, we find the Truth together, not in isolation.
Thanks GKTH.
I understand that you are tired. It's the right response to the situation, because we're in the midst of a war, and war is taxing. It saps into our energy stores. And, when we are exposed to information that we were previously protected from, it takes a LOT of spiritual energy just to assimilate and process it. So don't give up and don't despair. You are not alone, even more than you know.
I think I know where you're at, and I sympathize greatly. Let me share a story.
I had many formative experiences - spiritual experiences - when I was a child. I recall having experiences where my heart was overwhelmed by a heart much greater than my child's heart, and I would weep for all the suffering in the world, the pain of humanity. Numerous times this happened, before I even went to high school.
But my father was very critical of religion in general, and with a sharp intellect, I came to adopt the following position: How can God let there be so much suffering in the world? If that is God, then I'm going to NOT believe in God, even if he exists. If God can let such suffering exist, then I don't want such a God.
And during my early teenage years, I adopted the cloak of an atheist. I would argue, and win debates with my Christian friends about how God does not exist.
But as I entered senior high school, something began to shift. I could see that the other kids around me, who I looked down on in my arrogance, had lives that meant as much to them as mine did to me. I found compassion emerging in my heart, and at the same time, I began to think about God in a very different way, not so much from the angle of traditional Christian belief, which I had already decided to reject, but from a more .... new age type of angle. God as consciousness, God as a transcendent force.
So it was that when I was 18, I began having experiences with God again. I would have deep and profound prayers, where my heart was overwhelmed with tears and anguish, and I came to realize that the tears and anguish were not mine, but that they were God's. God was showing to me his true feelings, about the world, about humanity, about Israel in history and Jesus who walked the earth 2000 years ago.
And I was humbled. I came to realize that my own heartache about the suffering in the world was in fact an echo of God's own heart. That far from being an aloof, distant deity presiding over the world and judging the world, that in fact, God's most profound character was one of heartache and suffering, because those he loves beyond all measure of himself are in a place where he cannot simply sweep in and rescue them.
You see God cannot and will not ever violate our own responsibility, our own choices made in free will. So when people turn away from God, for whatever reason, regardless of the circumstances, God cannot simply step in and change their choice, no matter how much he may want to and no matter how much heartache those choices cause for them. He suffers, because even though he tries to reach out and get people to listen to his voice, there has always been an enemy who is constantly mocking him, attacking his children and leading them into disaster.
Why? How could it be so? because God's own creation purpose is a joint project. While he created the vast cosmos and endowed his children with physical forms, and spirit and heart, he also gave them (us) a portion of responsibility to accomplish in order for his purpose to be perfected and fulfilled. That responsibility has to do with faith, because it is only through faith that Adam was to achieve his own maturity. Believing in God, following God's command, Adam would have grown to completion, and God's creation purpose would have been fulfilled, when he and Adam would become fused and united forever as Father and Son.
And all who came after, the children and descendants of Adam, would have stood on that foundation, and the world would have come a world of Joy, and Blessing.
But Adam failed, and heartbroken, God himself could not interfere, because it was He himself who gave Adam the responsibility. If he interfered, then it would be the same as negating his own creation purpose, and violating his own creation design. And so the inheritance from Adam became one of suffering, not blessing.
So it is that since the fall of Adam, God has worked in tears, sweat and blood to restore his relationship with us, step by step, sacrifice by sacrifice. All to bring us to the point where we can reverse the mistake of Adam and restore ourselves to him.
And Jesus then, is the first fruit, but not the end. It's not a magic wand. The spiritual salvation through Christ is a doorway, a starting point. Jesus restores the position of Adam, but we and the world are still in a place where WE must fulfill our responsibility.
The main thing I came to realize at that time when I was 18 and over the next few years, is that God is a God of heartbreak and suffering, and that Jesus himself was more rejected and heartbroken than any person who ever lived, but he overcame it all, and loved despite being rejected by the very people prepared to receive him.
Jesus was able to forgive sins before he went to the cross. Think about it. He could forgive sins. So why was the cross necessary? Because of the faithlessness of the Israelites, who, instead of reversing the mistake of Adam, repeated it and compounded it by rejecting Jesus. So Jesus had to pay the price with his flesh.
If you pray on these things and earnestly ask God if this is true, he will answer you. You may have to fight in prayer. Between you and God's heart there are thousands and thousands of spiritual forces that want to keep you away from knowing the true heart of God. When I met God in deep prayer, it was on the foundation of praying so hard, so determinedly, not willing to stop or relent until I experienced God and found the answer: "What are you feeling God? How do you feel about the world? What do you actually FEEL about the world, God?"
This sort of prayer cannot be answered easy peasy, but requires, sometimes, to be willing to fight to the death to seek God, to not let Satan block the way.
Remember the Garden of Gethsemane. Jesus prayed so hard that the blood vessels behind his eyes burst with the pressure and his tears became tears of blood.
When you pray with all your effort, desperate and calling out to God for him to answer you, he will be drawn, and you'll find yourself wrapped up in more sorrow and love and grace than you have ever experienced.
At that point, faith and belief turns to knowledge. It's no longer about believing in God, because you'll experience God on a level so deep that it cannot ever be denied.
And this is the truth: God is tired. Jesus is tired. But because they love absolutely, they cannot be stopped and will never be stopped. And when we come to them and tell them and experience their own heart as our own, we step in to a position to comfort them. Did you ever think that perhaps God needs a son to comfort him? To tell him, don't worry Father, I will never give up!! This is the heart of Jesus to his Father, and THIS is the real cross to be taken up.
To love the Father is to care for the Father and comfort the father and give everything you can to see his kingdom come, even if it is only one day sooner, to end the suffering of his children one day sooner.
If we can pray and through our prayer and faith bring the healing of another, don't you think that we can move the world closer to God, through our effort and devotion? Then, we are not just following Jesus, but walking along side him, sharing with him the work.
That's all I have to say on that. The answer to how anyone or anything could allow such suffering to exist cannot be found in a rationalization, or an intellectual understanding, but only through the direct experience of God's heart. If you search out God and desperately reach out to him, you'll find a father heartbroken in tears, hoping to find one more son who will help him end the suffering sooner, even if by one day.
Ask how Jesus feels. Ask how he felt upon the cross. So many believers just want to get the blessings, the benefits from Jesus, but are unwilling to share the sufferings of Jesus.
When Jesus says Take up you cross and follow me, he is talking about what? the Cross of the Heart. The Cross of a Love so intense that it reaches out even to its enemies, and loves even them. The Cross of Love that weeps for the world but is determined never to abandon it and never to give in.
Opening our heart to God, and to Jesus, and to Others, is the hardest thing to do, ever. But in that, you'll find a unity and a love and a peace that will overcome the pain of loving even more.
I encourage you to start with prayer. Ask God if all this is true. Seek him out, and don't let yourself be discouraged. Remember Jacob. In order to become the one whom God could bless and raise up an entire people, he had to struggle 'with God' all through the night. Why?
Because to come to God, and experience God's heart, we have to fight for it. It's not automatic. The possibility of doing that is what Jesus grants to us. Without him, would could not even begin to try.
Tell God what is in your heart and ASK him, ask him, earnestly, how HE feels about this. If you persevere, he will tell you.
Between the ages of 18 up until my late 20's, I continually had prayers filled with tears, and Jesus was my constant companion, as I felt my desire to comfort God rise up and overcome my desire to be comforted by God.
When I was 8 years old, one of my first encounters with God's heart was when, in my classroom, in a catholic school (I'm not catholic anymore), I found myself singing with the class the Peace Song of Saint Francis. As I sat on the classroom floor, legs crossed, my head down, tears gushed from my eyes and the words of the song etched something deep in to my heart that remains to this day:
Make me a channel of your peace.
Where there is hatred, let me bring your love.
Where there is injury, your pardon, Lord,
And where there's doubt, true faith in you.
Make me a channel of your peace.
Where there's despair in life, let me bring hope.
Where there is darkness, only light,
And where there's sadness, ever joy.
Oh, Master, grant that I may never seek
So much to be consoled as to console.
To be understood as to understand.
To be loved as to love with all my soul.
Make me a channel of your peace.
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
in giving of ourselves that we receive,
and in dying that we're born to eternal life.
A blessing on you, GKTH. Because God indeed knows the heart. He's waiting for you...
i am so thankful Frac that you are no longer an atheist. your words moved me in an incredible way, that i deleted that majestic12 link, it was making me very upset and started me to rethink my relationship with our Father.
your words soothed me and brought me back to the realization that i truly love God and i think that is why majestic12's words were upsetting me so very much that they would reduce our Heavenly Father to a myth and the works of Jesus as nothing.
thank you with all my heart for the time you've taken to bring me out of my "dark" spot.
truly may God bless you and keep you!!
Just following up, GKTH, and saying thanks for the reply and the conversation. I'm really happy that my words could help, and I think we can both give the glory to God. He's taking care of you.
The second stage in the growth of faith is usually the most difficult and trickiest one. It's where we encounter and then grapple with doubts, ideas that might assail the beliefs formed during the earlier stage, and many other things. But it's a process we have to go through if our faith is to mature and deepen, and avoiding this process only helps to retard our faith so that it never grows beyond a certain immature point.
If you put your heart and mind into a prayer, and tell your Heavenly Father that you want to have great faith, that you desire to have great faith and to love him even more, he will listen to that prayer. What's key is the desire. That heart of wanting to have faith. That desire to be so close you can taste it.
Someone who was an inspiration in the early stages of my faith course (I rediscovered God at 18 years of age, and began the journey of faith more fully then) testified to how he prayed in his early days. He prayed to God and asked:
For faith greater than Paul's
For wisdom greater than Solomon's
And love greater than Jesus's
I don't see how that last one would work, but the desire, the heart in the prayer can become a flame that draws Heavenly Father's love and focus, and opens the way for him to grant what you desire. To have a love like Jesus is a tall order, but God is our father, and to him, what's important is the heart and desire we have and our willingness to call on him.
Please take care.
I'm always here. Also, Slechta is a great brother who is always willing to lend a helping heart and hand. Just FYI.
God bless you, fren.