I don't think it's fake. I think it's more self inflicted. If you think your sick you tend to be and if your constantly fearful your brain doesn't work right.
It would be impossible to get these symptoms and not think you are sick.
I had them for 2 years and still am not 100% better.
I had "long covid" Without ever watching TV or knowing about what it was.
please explain, how I could have made up the exact symptoms, and "self inflicted" myself (because i believed i was sick so hard) for 6 months without ever hearing about long covid?
I also believe 90% of headaches and migraines are self caused by stress of overthinking. I used to have constant stomach problems. My eventual solution wasn't diet or meds it was meditation. Their lots of people suffering from mental diseases. People are suffering they don't know how to get themselves out.
Certain strains of influenza are very serious and cause serious issues, some of them long term. This has been known for quite some time. Maybe you just got a different strain of the flu that you haven't had before. That's just as possible as your story.
If you still have them, try the nicotine patch. Search GAW for Ardis, as he suggested it. It worked for me. I also made a few posts about it that you can find using search word: nicotine.
Agreed, we can find many articles and reports of long covid in 2020, before the vax rollout. It's extremely similar to chronic fatigue syndrome, and people have also gotten it from other viruses before covid. I got it 4 months after my parents forced me to have the Astrazeneca vax, ages before i caught covid, so it won't be surprising if many recent cases like mine are probably from the vax, i've had it for 3 years now and still can't work full time, but blood thinners improved it significantly for me.
Covid was an immature and unattenuated bat vaccine. Understanding the proper curatives is key to knowing the diff btwn an infection and perpetuating that infection. There is a whole community of support Karens over at #LongCovid on Twatter for misinfo. See my previous reply, fren.
I don't think it's fake. I think it's more self inflicted. If you think your sick you tend to be and if your constantly fearful your brain doesn't work right.
I also believe 90% of headaches and migraines are self caused by stress of overthinking. I used to have constant stomach problems. My eventual solution wasn't diet or meds it was meditation. Their lots of people suffering from mental diseases. People are suffering they don't know how to get themselves out.
Certain strains of influenza are very serious and cause serious issues, some of them long term. This has been known for quite some time. Maybe you just got a different strain of the flu that you haven't had before. That's just as possible as your story.
If you still have them, try the nicotine patch. Search GAW for Ardis, as he suggested it. It worked for me. I also made a few posts about it that you can find using search word: nicotine.
Agreed, we can find many articles and reports of long covid in 2020, before the vax rollout. It's extremely similar to chronic fatigue syndrome, and people have also gotten it from other viruses before covid. I got it 4 months after my parents forced me to have the Astrazeneca vax, ages before i caught covid, so it won't be surprising if many recent cases like mine are probably from the vax, i've had it for 3 years now and still can't work full time, but blood thinners improved it significantly for me.
Covid was an immature and unattenuated bat vaccine. Understanding the proper curatives is key to knowing the diff btwn an infection and perpetuating that infection. There is a whole community of support Karens over at #LongCovid on Twatter for misinfo. See my previous reply, fren.
Your brain can play all kinds of tricks but I cannot be sure what this anon got.