Mar-a-Lago Judge’s Stark Ruling: Jury Sees Secret Files or Trump Wins
Jay Paul/ReutersThe MAGA-friendly federal judge who keeps siding with Donald Trump in his Mar-a-Lago classified records case has forced prosecutors to make a stark choice: allow jurors to see a huge trove of national secrets or let him go.U.S. District Jud...
If he doesn't let the jury see the documents, the case is thrown out. If he does let the jury see the documents, the entire Russia,Russia,Russia crap of Crossfire Hurricane will be public knowledge and the traitorous activities of Obama and the previous administration will be on full display. "How do you present evidence"? You force your enemy to put it on display so MSM cannot say it is misinformation. BOY, AM I BEGINNING TO LOVE THIS MOVIE!!!!
Upvoted but personally I'm reserving this level of youthful exuberance for the end of the movie
We got a looooonnnngggg way to go, folks
Judge Cannon has put Ol' Smithy in a VERY PRECARIOUS SITUATION and the Appellate Court CANNOT rule UNTIL Judge Cannon rules...WOWZA!!!!!!
Besides, PDJT is showing the world how corrupt the judicial system is in ALL THE COURTS INCLUDING LOCAL/STATE/FEDERAL!!!!!
Taking bets that there will be a VERY DEEP HOUSE CLEANING OF THE US GOVERNMENT!!!
Anybody need a GOOD JOB and willing to work to get this country back on track?
::: hand rubbing intensifies :::
Those documents are not part of this case and the public doesn't necessarily see things a jury sees. I'm pretty sure things especially like photos can be sure to a jury, but not necessarily released. (think gruesome crime photos)
Crossfire Hurricane ended in 2017. Most of the docs are from after that. See below.
I don't know what the judge is up to, but look at document 29. Even if you had TS clearance, you may not be able to see this document
So why does the judge think the jury needs to see this? Would jurors get to read these up close?
It's Top Secret, the next classification mark is redacted in itself.
SI = Special Intelligence (intelligence from intercepted communications)
TK = TALENT-KEYHOLE (intelligence from satellite collection)
NOFORN = No Foreign Nationals
ORCON = Originator Controlled
1 TOP SECRET//NOFORN//SPECIAL HANDLING Document dated May 3, 2018, concerning White House intelligence briefing related to various foreign countries
2 TOP SECRET//SI//NOFORN//SPECIAL HANDLING Document dated May 9, 2018, concerning White House intelligence briefing related to various foreign countries
3 TOP SECRET//SJ//NOFORN//FISA Undated document concerning military capabilities of a fore ign co untry and the United States, with handwritten annotation in black marker
4 TOP SEC RET//SPECIAL HANDLING Document dated May 6. 2019, concerning White House intelligence briefing related to fore ign cou ntries, including military activities and planning of foreign countries
5 TOP SECRET//[redacted]/[redacted]//ORCON/NOFORN Document dated June 2020 concerning nuclear capabilities of a foreign country
6 TOP SECRET//SPECIAL HANDUNG Document dated June 4, 2020, co ncerning White House intelligence briefing related to various foreign cou ntries
7 SECRET//NOFORN Document dated October 21, 2018, concerning communications with a leader of a foreign country
8 SECRET//REL TO USA, FVEY Document dated October 4, 2019, concerning military capabilities of a fo reign country
9 TOP SECRET//[redacted]/[ redacted)//ORCON/NOFORN/FISA Undated document concerning military attacks by a foreign country
10 TOP SECRET//TK//NOFORN Document dated November 2017 concerning military capabilities of a foreign country
11 No marking Undated document concerning military contingency planning of the United States
12 SECRET//REL TO USA, FVEY Pages of undated document concerning projected regional military capabilities of a foreign country and the United States
13 TOP SECRET//SJ/fK//NOFORN Undated document concerning military capabilities of a foreign country and the United States
14 SECRET// ORCON/NOFORN Document dated January 2020 concerning military options of a foreign country and potential effects on United States interests
15 SECRETllORCON/NOFORN Document dated February 2020 concerning policies in a fore ign country
16 SECRET//ORCON/NOFORN Document dated December 2019 concerning foreign country support of terrorist acts against United States interests
17 TOP SECRET//[redacted]/TK//ORCON/IMCON/NOFORN Document dated January 2020 concerning military capabilities of a foreign country
18 SECRET//NOFORN Docum ent dated March 2020 concerning military operations against United States forces and others
19 SECRET//FORMERL Y RESTRICTED DATA Undated document concerning nuclear weaponry of the United States
20 TOP SECRET// (redacted]//ORCON/NOFORN Undated document concerning tirneline and deta il s of attack in a foreign country
21 SECRET//NOFORN Undated document concerning military capabilities of foreign countries
22 TOP SECRET// [redacted]//RSEN/ORCON/NOFORN Document dated August 2019 concerning regional military activity of a foreign country
23 TOP SECRET//SPECIAL HANDLING Document dated August 30, 2019, concerning White House intelligence briefing related to various fore ign countries, with handwritten annotation in black marker
24 TOP SECRET//HCS-P/S1//ORCON-USGOV/NOFORN Undated document concerning military activity of a foreign country
25 TOP SECRET//HCS-P/SV/ORCON-USGOV/NOFORN Document dated October 24, 2019, concerning military activity of foreign countries and the United States
26 TOP SE CRET// [redacted] //ORC ON/NOFORN/FISA Document dated November 7, 2019, concerning military activity of foreign countries and the United States
27 TOP SECRET//S1/fK//NOFORN Document dated November 20 19 concerning military activity of foreign countries
28 TOP SECRET// SPECIAL HANDLING Document dated October 18, 2019, concerning White House intelligence briefing related to various foreign countries 36
29 TOP SECRET//[redacted ]/Sl/fK//ORCON/NOFORN Document dated Oct ober 18, 2019, concerning military capabilities of a foreign country
30 TOP SECRET// [redacted]//ORCON/NOFORN/FJSA Document dated October 15, 2019, concerning military activity in a foreign country
31 TOP SECRET//SJ/TK//NOFO RN Document dated February 2017 concerning military activity of a fo rei gn country
32 TOPSECRET//NOFORN Presentation concerning military activity in a foreign country
The next classification mark that is redacted: could that be "Q clearance"?
Because we know which document that is. It's number 19
19 SECRET//FORMERLY RESTRICTED DATA Undated document concerning nuclear weaponry of the United States
This has been described in court documents AND that category of FORMERLY RESTRICTED DATA means it's department of energy stuff and Q Clearance from the department of energy.