It's really ancient. I was watching a documentary the other day about ancient Egyptian cat worship and there was a very similar-sounding word for some queen or other. It's not coincidental. All our 'modern' words come from somewhere meaning something once upon a long ago.
well if we go by Mitch 's standard of term limits (elections are term limits), I'm going to write in President Trumps name for the rest of his life and I suggest we all do the same.
I truly love that word
There's no other word for certain people.
It's really ancient. I was watching a documentary the other day about ancient Egyptian cat worship and there was a very similar-sounding word for some queen or other. It's not coincidental. All our 'modern' words come from somewhere meaning something once upon a long ago.
They are all CUNTS. Belonging to the Collective Uniparty of National Traitors Society
I assume you're giving us all permission to steal this?
Please do.
This turdle is the "living" embodiment of why we need term limits to begin with. That's his legacy.
Corrupt geriatrics should not be granted the power to shape a society that they will never live in. He belongs in a maximum security retirement home.
well if we go by Mitch 's standard of term limits (elections are term limits), I'm going to write in President Trumps name for the rest of his life and I suggest we all do the same.