Satanic take over of Hinduism happened around 100 years ago when Satanist Annie Beasant came to India and started dabbling in Hinduism, which is the offshoot of all the "New Age" religions today.
Traditionally, Hinduism had the concept of God and Humans as to separate entities. In 800AD a new philosophy emerged which said God and Humans are one and the same (more like God is the only reality and Humans are just extensions of this reality).
In theory this sounds nice and harmless, but the satanists like Annie etc used this to push the idea that Humans can become Gods through their works - which is exactly what Satanism is about and is the central tenet of all occult / secret organisations from Freemasonry to Sun worshiping Egyptians.
This is the reason why Hinduism is pushed so hard, especially amongst the academia - think about the opening ceremony at CERN for instance. They use the Hindu God called Shiva who is the destroyer to push the symbology of destuction of humanity because we dont deserve to live.
Following all this, its very easy to go down the path of depopulation, especially since India has a huge "population problem" (as they always called it) and depopulation sounds like the perfect solution for population problem.
Satanic take over of Hinduism happened around 100 years ago when Satanist Annie Beasant came to India and started dabbling in Hinduism, which is the offshoot of all the "New Age" religions today.
Traditionally, Hinduism had the concept of God and Humans as to separate entities. In 800AD a new philosophy emerged which said God and Humans are one and the same (more like God is the only reality and Humans are just extensions of this reality).
In theory this sounds nice and harmless, but the satanists like Annie etc used this to push the idea that Humans can become Gods through their works - which is exactly what Satanism is about and is the central tenet of all occult / secret organisations from Freemasonry to Sun worshiping Egyptians.
This is the reason why Hinduism is pushed so hard, especially amongst the academia - think about the opening ceremony at CERN for instance. They use the Hindu God called Shiva who is the destroyer to push the symbology of destuction of humanity because we dont deserve to live.
Following all this, its very easy to go down the path of depopulation, especially since India has a huge "population problem" (as they always called it) and depopulation sounds like the perfect solution for population problem.
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Thank you. Israel 365 often has a good take on such things, unlike Ha'aetz.