We all know that the fiat financial beast system has to collapse before we can find our freedom as humanity.
US Dollar has to lose its reserve status because its backed by blood and wars.
Trump has said that if USD cannot afford to lose its reserve status.
We are also seeing lot of indications that the "Black Swan" event is imminent.
Mike Johnson has given all the indications that he is a solid guy and has proven, by action, time and again, the smears by both the left and alt media are baseless.
There is also a very good indication that he is the first speaker of the restored republic (more in comments).
So we are at the point where it seems impossible for him to pass a budget without funding Ukraine and Israel and it seems even a proper border funding seems to be impossible at this point, and MTG has said that she is going move to vacate his post.
We have also seen resignations by RINOs and suspected they are trying to turn the house blue.
So what is a good theory that can cover all these things and explain what might be going on ?
My contention: The USD cannot collapse under a House thats under our control, but it has to collapse under Biden's watch.
Theory: MAGA will stand the ground and choose to "lose control" of the House (what options? Oust Mike? Mike resigns? RINOs back stab him?). Dems take control and pass the Ukraine/Israel funding bill, just in time for the financial collapse. It will be proven that this final bill is the straw that broke the Camel's back and we will approach the precipice as most of the remaining sleepers start to wake up as they feel the heat.
Now that's a scenario I haven't considered. But if this turns out to be true, the shitstorm will last until Trump gets back into office. It will be a difficult time for everyone.
Difficult is putting it mildly. The collapse of the Dollar would be the collapse of the Republic.
There is no dollar. Collapsing the Federal Reserve Note will help to collapse the Deep State.
This is a naïve teen's thoughts. If the Federal Reserve Note collapses, YOU will not make it. I will not make it. You will be ruined financially. I don't mean 'broke', I don't mean 'things will be tight', I mean absolutely destitute.
Why so much doom? The ultimate goal of this Q project was to rid our country of the Federal Reserve and their fiat dollar. Their system is not sustainable. It was built on the idea of printing a endless money stream, creating debt and charging interest on that debt. It robs the American taxpayers and sends the profits to international bankers. They are stealing money that should be reinvested in making the USA the greatest country on the planet. Instead our hard earned money is feeding the globalists/deepstate.
The Federal Reserve promised to control debt, control inflation and prevent future market collapses. Guess what, they failed on all 3, which provides reason to remove them from control of our currency.
You have to remember, rumor is Trump confiscated the gold reserves from the Vatican. The Vatican was the personal bank of the people stealing our tax dollars. Over the last 90 years, all of the wealth the Fed collected from us kept the tyrants funded and much of that wealth was converted to gold, stockpiled away. Trump brought it home.
Once the Fed Reserve is dead, a new currency will be released and then starts "The Best is Yet to Come" phase. Federal Taxes will be gone, it has always been unconstitutional. Today the stock market is functioning with a devalued dollar, extremely hyperinflated. The entire system will go through a correction. You may lose some money in you 401k however, you still own the stocks.
Inflation will be gone, debt will be gone, we will revert back to prices on consumer goods that resemble the 1950's. Our dollar will return to full value which will be backed by gold.Most likely we join the BRICS Economic system and all my world's currencies will be equally valued. The days of exchange rates and currency devaluation will be gone. Stop the dooming.