We all know that the fiat financial beast system has to collapse before we can find our freedom as humanity.
US Dollar has to lose its reserve status because its backed by blood and wars.
Trump has said that if USD cannot afford to lose its reserve status.
We are also seeing lot of indications that the "Black Swan" event is imminent.
Mike Johnson has given all the indications that he is a solid guy and has proven, by action, time and again, the smears by both the left and alt media are baseless.
There is also a very good indication that he is the first speaker of the restored republic (more in comments).
So we are at the point where it seems impossible for him to pass a budget without funding Ukraine and Israel and it seems even a proper border funding seems to be impossible at this point, and MTG has said that she is going move to vacate his post.
We have also seen resignations by RINOs and suspected they are trying to turn the house blue.
So what is a good theory that can cover all these things and explain what might be going on ?
My contention: The USD cannot collapse under a House thats under our control, but it has to collapse under Biden's watch.
Theory: MAGA will stand the ground and choose to "lose control" of the House (what options? Oust Mike? Mike resigns? RINOs back stab him?). Dems take control and pass the Ukraine/Israel funding bill, just in time for the financial collapse. It will be proven that this final bill is the straw that broke the Camel's back and we will approach the precipice as most of the remaining sleepers start to wake up as they feel the heat.
This is a naïve teen's thoughts. If the Federal Reserve Note collapses, YOU will not make it. I will not make it. You will be ruined financially. I don't mean 'broke', I don't mean 'things will be tight', I mean absolutely destitute.
Fed note collapses
New system quietly developed in background takes over as planned, with gold-backed currency for the third time
Could happen
Quietly developed by whom? Our government? How is it rolled out? I worked in fin-tech for 4 years, banking systems are archaic, who flips the switch? Do we have enough gold to back the current total money supply?
There is always enough gold. Gold will have to become more valuable. The system will be changed period and nobody has a choice. The deep states money is finished. I don't expect we will be told the exact how but it won't be the way you think by your experience. Real.monry works differently than fiat and your experience is in fiat. Hope you bought some gold and silver to get you through. Tje white hats didn't embark on this without a solution. It's a guarded secret at the moment.
The Texas Republican party did have an interesting proposal during the primaries. A proposal that Texas will mint currency from its own bullion repository.
Oh, and another is to eliminate property taxes without raising them elsewhere.
Both wins in my book.
^^^ THIS ^^^
Yep, and it may be ready to roll out, but we aren't aware of it. So many variables in this plan...
That is what I think is the plan. WH have as much as said that safeguards are in place to protect citizens
From your lips to God's ears. I surely hope so..Like how Trump pulled $3billion+ from under the rug. Everything is planned to the T.
Why so much doom? The ultimate goal of this Q project was to rid our country of the Federal Reserve and their fiat dollar. Their system is not sustainable. It was built on the idea of printing a endless money stream, creating debt and charging interest on that debt. It robs the American taxpayers and sends the profits to international bankers. They are stealing money that should be reinvested in making the USA the greatest country on the planet. Instead our hard earned money is feeding the globalists/deepstate.
The Federal Reserve promised to control debt, control inflation and prevent future market collapses. Guess what, they failed on all 3, which provides reason to remove them from control of our currency.
You have to remember, rumor is Trump confiscated the gold reserves from the Vatican. The Vatican was the personal bank of the people stealing our tax dollars. Over the last 90 years, all of the wealth the Fed collected from us kept the tyrants funded and much of that wealth was converted to gold, stockpiled away. Trump brought it home.
Once the Fed Reserve is dead, a new currency will be released and then starts "The Best is Yet to Come" phase. Federal Taxes will be gone, it has always been unconstitutional. Today the stock market is functioning with a devalued dollar, extremely hyperinflated. The entire system will go through a correction. You may lose some money in you 401k however, you still own the stocks.
Inflation will be gone, debt will be gone, we will revert back to prices on consumer goods that resemble the 1950's. Our dollar will return to full value which will be backed by gold.Most likely we join the BRICS Economic system and all my world's currencies will be equally valued. The days of exchange rates and currency devaluation will be gone. Stop the dooming.
Well said Hartz. Without the dumping of the fiat there will be no restoration.
How is this doom? I want the Fed to die as much as anyone, but folks do not know what they are asking for when they drool over a full collapse of that system.
Yes, yes we do. You UNDERESTIMATE our warrior abilities. We have prepared, and most of us have enough to help our neighbors survive. WE KNOW!
I think you underestimate the dire financial state a majority of Americans are in. A few folks would make it through a true collapse, but just barely.
If you get rid of the Fed Reserve, you must also get rid of the Fed Reserve Note.
Think of all the fiat dollars in off shore accounts that our politicians have stole from us. It all becomes worthless if we roll out a new currency. Those of us who earned our money legitimately will be able convert the old bills for new. If you have $10 million in a off shore account and can't show how you legally acquired it, it becomes worthless.
Our currency has been used to traffick children and drugs for many years. Much of the 30 trillion in debt is sitting in bank account of criminals, it needs to be wiped out.
The currency reset may be a uneasy, stressful event however it is necessary. People may have to endure short-term inconvenience, but predicting we are all going to die in the process is called dooming in my book.
Any currency can and wil be used this way. I hear a lot of "burn it all down", and not a lot of practical means of doing so. I hear a LOT of Quantium Financial System/NESARA/GESERA snake-oil bullshit, but I'm talking - we need to replace the Fed. How. It's not been done before. How does is happen without crashing EVERY. THING. I'm talking Great Depression * 100.
Everybody talks as if it'll be a little tight, rough times, we'll have to pinch pennies, etc... It's beyond that. It's anarchy. It's has to be a systematic, legislative, SLOW dismantling. What's the plan?
Nobody is drooling. It gonna happen whetherbwebdroolbor not. The idea is to be as ready as possible.
Those who have preped will feel the least amount of pain but will still feel it.
As long as I get to forget all my debts and just start over, that would be worth the pain.
Can we/us sinners be forgiven? I remember He said all sins are forgivable but one.
Sounds a lot like a handout. Your debts are your debts. You chose them.
You know me that well?
Some debts came from desperation and lack of other options.
Like surviving with credit cards.
No, it's a rigged system and it has been for a very long time. Maybe you haven't noticed, but the middle class has been destroyed. If you are in the middle class, most, must take out a loan to buy a house. There is nothing wrong with wanting a decent house in a nice neighborhood. So, currently you buy a 300k house. You put 50k down. Your payments are 1500 per month. Over 5 years thats 90k, except 90% of that is going to interest, not paying off the original debt. Then, due to no fault of your own, your company goes broke. Your out a job, and jobs are slim where you can't get another. You can't sell your house, because the fed have raised rates and nobody is buying at a price to cover your existing loan. But, the bank made 140k off of you aaaand owns your house. Do you honestly think that is right?
Is the 'American Dream' really a NIGHTMARE?
Everything above 7 years is usury.
Calculate the loan payment to be payable in 7 years even with interest payments. It requires taking out less debt, but it has been do-able.
The current looming reset has me a bit jittery about how debts are going to roll over and payments be afforded, but we’ll see.
That's old monetary system talk. The paradigm is going to change, and those who are still asleep on this point do not and are not going to understand it until they actually see it happening.
Must be shown. Q
If you owe a bank and the bank fails who do you owe?
They sell off your debt to another bank.
The bank's creditors.
You’re right that things will be destitute when the dollar collapses. But the reality is that it’s going to implode in any scenario. The question is which way does the country turn after it happens.